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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br />TITLE 1 CITY COUNCIL <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Chapter 11 Policy Governing Use of Computer Systems, E -Mail and Information <br />Security <br />&1.11.100: POLICY GOVERNING USE OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS, E -MAIL AND <br />INFORMATION SECURITY. City computer systems are made available to employees, public <br />officials, and in some cases consultants to improve efficiency, communications and productivity <br />when providing services to the community. City computer systems are defined to include any City <br />provided computer hardware (personal computers, laptops, personal digital assistants [PDAs], <br />smart phones, mobile digital terminals, host systems and related devices, printers and other <br />production peripheral equipment, scanners, the City's network), computer software, remote access, <br />electronic mail (e -mail) and Internet connection tools used to provide City services. Use of City <br />provided computer systems are for official City purposes only. This policy is established to protect <br />the City's investment in information technology; safeguard the information contained within City <br />computer systems; and assist in the efficient delivery of City services. <br />All City computer systems provided in accordance with this policy remain the property of the City. <br />Users of City computer systems have no right to or expectation of privacy or confidentiality in any <br />activity using the City computer systems, equipment, or networks. Any electronic files, documents, <br />or records (as that term is defined in the California Public Records Act)stored, accessed, or <br />transferred on the City's computer systems are not private to the user and are potentially <br />disclosable under the California Public Records Act. <br />(1) E -Mail System <br />a. The E -Mail System shall be used for the transmission of communications and <br />documents only and shall not be used for the storage of information or records. <br />The E -Mail System is provided by the City to Users as a convenient and efficient <br />method for rapidly communicating transitory information in an electronic format. <br />b. The forwarding of E -Mails from City computer systems or through City provided <br />E -Mail accounts by employees or public officials to any personal or other E -Mail <br />account that is not a City provided email account that belongs to, or is managed by <br />the employee or public official is strongly discouraged. Users are cautioned that <br />any E -Mail sent or forwarded from a City computer system or email account to a <br />personal email account may subject that entire personal account to disclosure <br />pursuant to a public records request. An email sent from a personal email account <br />to a City email account or City computer system is a public record subject to <br />disclosure under the California Public Records Act. <br />Department Responsible for Revision: City Manager's Office Chapter 1.11 <br />12 /2011 - -Draft Page 1 <br />