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File Number: 11 -451 <br />enforcement will be included as part of this project. <br />Analysis <br />The bids were opened on January 11, 2012. Seven (7) bids were received ranging from <br />$321,200 to $439,350. AMLAND CORP was the lowest responsive bidder. The engineer's <br />estimate for the work was $318,789.48. Staff verified that AMLAND CORP is in good <br />standing through the Contractors State License Board's website. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />• Policy 14.03- Funding: Aggressively pursue state and federal funding for bicycle and <br />pedestrian improvements, while also including funding for bicycle and pedestrian <br />improvements in the City's Capital Improvement Program <br />• Policy 14.07- Pedestrian Environment: Strive to achieve a more comfortable environment <br />for pedestrians in all areas of San Leandro, with particular emphasis on the BART station <br />areas, downtown, and major commercial thoroughfares such as East 14th Street <br />• Action 14.078- Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossing Improvements: Improve crossings for <br />pedestrians and cyclists at intersections in the city through the use of brick pavers, small <br />curb radii, bulb outs, street trees and landscaping near corners, and other measures that <br />shorten pedestrian crossings or increase driver awareness of non - vehicle traffic. Continue <br />to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and remove mobility <br />barriers for persons with disabilities <br />• Policy 16.03- Maintenance: Regularly maintain city streets and traffic control devices to <br />ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently <br />• Policy 16.04- Traffic Flow Improvements: Use a variety of measures to improve traffic flow <br />at congested intersections, including technologically advanced tools such as signal timing <br />and video monitoring <br />• Action 16.04A- Traffic Monitoring and Signal Timing: Conduct traffic monitoring at key <br />intersections in San Leandro. Based on the monitoring data, undertake signal timing and <br />phasing projects that improve traffic flow and safety <br />• Policy 18.01 -Law Enforcement: Aggressively enforce traffic safety laws on San Leandro <br />streets, including speed limits, red light violations, and pedestrian and bicycle lane <br />right -of -way violations <br />• Policy 18.02 - Capital Improvements: Identify capital improvements and other measures that <br />improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles on San Leandro streets <br />• Action 18.02A- Accident Data Collection and Remediation: Collect and evaluate collision <br />data on the top 25 accident locations in San Leandro. Develop measures to reduce the <br />number of collisions at these locations <br />• Action 18.02B- Pedestrian Safety Improvements: Develop programs to improve pedestrian <br />safety at both controlled and uncontrolled intersections throughout the city. Programs that <br />use innovative technology, such as lighted crosswalks and warning countdowns, should be <br />explored <br />• Policy 18.03 - Public Education: Increase public education on laws relating to parking, <br />circulation, speed limits, right -of -way, pedestrian crossings, and other aspects of <br />transportation safety in the city <br />• Action 18.03A -Safe Routes to School Program: Continue the Safe Routes to School <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 113112012 <br />