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Temporary Sales Tax Measure, November 2010 3 July 19, 2010 <br />San Leandro Temporary Emergency Funding <br />To protect and maintain local services, such as fire and 9 -1 -1 emergency response times, <br />neighborhood police patrols, investigation and gang suppression officers, library <br />hours /programs, street and pothole repairs, youth after- school and senior programs, and other <br />general City services, shall the City of San Leandro enact a quarter -cent sales tax, for seven <br />years, reviewed by a citizens' oversight committee, annual independent audits, and all funds for <br />San Leandro and no funds for Sacramento? <br />FISCAL DISCUSSION <br />The purpose of this section is to identify the fiscal impacts and potential reductions if San <br />Leandro voters fail to pass a quarter cent sales tax revenue measure in November 2010 to <br />provide temporary emergency funding for essential City services. If the measure fails, the City <br />will be forced to make even deeper reductions because emergency reserves have dwindled to <br />dangerously low levels. Further spending of reserves would be fiscally irresponsible; in fact, <br />reserves need to be rebuilt in order to meet the City's established policy of 20 %. If the revenue <br />measure fails to pass, the City must implement an additional $3.0 million in reductions, with <br />additional cuts needed to build up reserves. <br />The following is a summary of the reductions that will be brought before Council for <br />consideration, should the measure fail to pass. <br />Original proposed (but postponed) reductions: <br />• Remove one fire ladder truck and nine firefighters from service (effective July 1, 2011) <br />• Eliminate two positions from Community Development Department <br />• Eliminate one position from Engineering and Transportation <br />• Eliminate one position from Finance <br />• Eliminate one position from the Library <br />• Eliminate one position in the Police Department <br />• Eliminate two positions in Recreation -Human Services <br />• Eliminate two positions in Information Systems. <br />The above positions (except fire) were funded for six months only and if the revenue measure <br />does not pass, there is no revenue to fund them. Additional reductions must come from public <br />safety since it makes up over 60% of the General Fund budget and other departments have <br />already been drastically cut. <br />Additional reductions: <br />• Eliminate the Crime Prevention Officer <br />• Eliminate Police Tactical Unit <br />• Eliminate two Traffic Officers, reducing the unit to two <br />• Eliminate Animal Control Officer, reducing coverage from 7 to 4 days per week <br />• Eliminate School Resource Officer, reducing coverage to one officer <br />• Additional reductions to Public Works maintenance activities. <br />