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2A Work Session 2012 0214
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Packet 2012 0214
2A Work Session 2012 0214
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2/10/2012 4:36:42 PM
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2/10/2012 4:36:22 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 12 -059 <br />recommended budget of $40,000 is for a consultant to complete phase I of the project which <br />includes establishing the benefit formula and determining initial support. Phase 11 is projected <br />to cost an additional $34,000 the following fiscal year. <br />It should be noted that establishment of a PBID would require substantial staff oversight and <br />involvement. <br />Housing Services Programs <br />Mortgage Credit Certificate Program - Alameda County operates this first time homebuyer <br />assistance program and charges cities an administrative fee to participate. The MCC program <br />provides income eligible homebuyers with tax credits and serves as a mortgage subsidy to <br />them. San Leandro's annual pro -rated administration fee has been $1,000. Given the low <br />annual fee for this county -wide program, the recommendation is for the annual City <br />contribution remain at $1,000. <br />Davis Street Family Resource Center ( DSFRC) Affordable Housing Services - In recent <br />years, DSFRC has received a $20,000 grant from RDA Set -Aside for its Affordable Housing <br />Services Program, which includes providing affordable housing search assistance /placement <br />and information /referral for very low income clientele. In the last two and a half years, DSFRC <br />has used the City's grant to leverage funding from the federal Homeless Prevention and <br />Rapid Re- Housing Program (HPRP) grant, which ends in June 2012, and provide affordable <br />housing services to HPRP homeless and at -risk homeless clients. Given the more limited <br />funds available for housing programs, $5,000 in funding is recommended in Scenario A and <br />$11,000 in Scenario B. <br />Everyone Home Administration - EveryOne Home is a community based organization that <br />is implementing the EveryOne Home Plan to end homelessness in Alameda County by 2020. <br />EveryOne Home receives a total of $7,755 annually from the City and RDA as a pro -rated <br />administration cost: $6,755 from CDBG to implement the federal homeless funding/ database <br />portion and $1,000 from RDA Set -Aside for EveryOne Home Plan administration/ <br />implementation. CDBG entitlement grant funding for FY 2012 -13 has been cut by HUD <br />significantly which likely means no more CDBG funding for EveryOne Home. All participating <br />cities in the County are planning to maintain funding for EveryOne Home administration <br />despite the end of redevelopment and federal funding cuts. $1,000 of funding for EveryOne <br />Home is recommended under Scenario A given the more limited housing programs budget. <br />Scenario B increases funding to $6,000 which will serve as the City's entire annual pro -rated <br />contribution so as not to further impact already depleted CDBG funds. <br />Single - Family Rehab Program - This program has been annually funded with $600,000 in <br />RDA Set -Aside as follows: <br />$342,000 for low interest rehab loans (maximum loan is $35,000; funds = 9 loans /year) <br />$114,000 for grants (maximum grant amount is $5,000; funds = 22 grants /year) <br />$144,000 for project management (outsourced to Neighborhood Solutions and includes <br />application intake, preparing bids, selecting contractors, inspections, and <br />work - write -ups) <br />Based on actual program results over the last five years, the program has annually provided <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 211012012 <br />
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