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File Number: 12 -033 <br />the VP overlay, such as on Benedict Drive, are subject to this requirement when their homes <br />are not within any viewsheds. Even homes on the hilly sections of Bay -O -Vista may be <br />oriented so that a side or rear fence would not infringe on a significant view corridor. <br />As such, staff is proposing that the following text be added to Section 4 -1682, Subsection A.3 <br />RS -VP District: "Fences proposed in side and rear yards where no views, as defined above, <br />are significantly affected are not subject to this section, as determined by the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official. " <br />The above modified text in Section 4 -1682 is included in the proposed Ordinance. <br />Paving within Residential Front Yards <br />While the San Leandro Zoning Code currently provides that parking anywhere other than on a <br />driveway in the front setback is prohibited, the Code also allows for additional paved areas <br />adjacent to the driveway and states that said driveway not exceed fifty percent of the width of <br />the subject property. As such, there are no regulations against completely paving over a front <br />yard. In recent years, this has resulted in cases where a homeowner has paved over the <br />entire front yard of the home, causing adjacent neighbors and the City Council to voice <br />concerns regarding aesthetics. State stormwater run -off permits encourage larger areas of <br />pervious surface to allow for on -site filtration of rain water before entering into a storm drain <br />system. <br />In order to ensure more attractive and environmentally sustainable front yards in the City's <br />residential neighborhoods, staff proposes to amend the Zoning Code to limit impervious <br />surfaces to 50% of front yards. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />City Council Business and Housing Development Committee was provided a brief update on <br />the proposed amendments on October 13, 2011. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The proposed amendments conform with the General Plan. Specifically, these Policies apply: <br />• Policy 1.06 Day Care Centers in Neighborhoods - To the extent permitted by State law, <br />maintain regulations for large- family day care facilities (as defined by the State) and child <br />care centers which ensure that impacts on residential neighborhoods are minimized. <br />Policy 2.05 Alterations, Additions, and Infill - Ensure that alterations, additions and infill <br />development are compatible with existing homes and maintain aesthetically pleasing <br />neighborhoods. <br />Policy 1.07 Fences - Require that any fencing in residential neighborhoods meets high <br />aesthetic and safety standards. Residential fencing should not obstruct vehicle sight lines, <br />should be compatible with the architectural design of nearby structures, and should make <br />a positive contribution to the character of the neighborhood. <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 211512012 <br />