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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 2011 <br />Agenda No. II -I2 Page S of 9 <br />Chair Collier said that she at first gave some thought to recommending leaving Commercial <br />Recreation and Entertainment Activities as conditionally permitted in only the IL and IP Districts, <br />but decided against it because those two districts occupy such limited slices of land in San <br />Leandro. She said with so many vacancies in the industrial areas, she would welcome the first <br />person to come along to rent an idle 30,000- square -foot building for practically any purpose. <br />Chair Collier said she agrees with the proposed changes regarding Assembly Uses, but the other <br />proposals can come back later if necessary. <br />In response to Commissioner Crow, Chair Collier said that if the Commission so chooses, <br />separate motions can be made on the different parts of staffs recommendation. <br />Chair Collier opened the public hearing. <br />San Leandro Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Dave Johnson agreed with Chair <br />Collier that eliminating opportunities makes no sense, in any community, in any economy. He <br />stated that taking away choices in San Leandro particularly makes no sense at a time when the <br />broadband service to which Patrick Kennedy and OSIsoft have committed will enable the City to <br />be one of three Bay Area communities (in addition to Santa Clara and Palo Alto) in the forefront <br />of attracting high -tech businesses. <br />This broadband capability also would enable the City to attract businesses such as Dave & <br />Busters, City Beach, art galleries, daycare centers and other things that residents and potential <br />residents want, Mr. Johnson said. And, he pointed out, the businesses all would be well - <br />controlled under CUPS. He also noted that San Leandro's Office of Business Development has <br />been working hard with Mr. Kennedy and OSIsoft to bring the opportunity to attract new <br />companies to fruition and to enable existing companies to improve their operations. He <br />mentioned, too, a City Council work session on December 12, 2011, during which Karen Engle, <br />Executive Director of the East Bay Economic Development Alliance (EDA), spoke about older <br />industrial communities such as San Leandro having the opportunity to make creative reuse of <br />some of its idle space. <br />According to Mr. Johnson, rather than looking back at a General Plan updated 10 years ago, San <br />Leandro must look 10 years ahead. He said that the Chamber would work hard to be part of this <br />process, which he sees as giving San Leandro a chance to brand and market the City and to <br />provide jobs and opportunities for residents and prospective residents. <br />No other speakers came forward. <br />Motion to close the Public Hearing <br />Dlugosh /Reed: 7 Aye, 0 No <br />Commissioner Dlugosh, noting that he considers it more appropriate for Commissioners to make <br />comments after the public has spoken, discussed his recent experience in closing a business and <br />selling a 30,000- square -foot warehouse in San Leandro. After 16 years of it being occupied, he <br />said he had to hold the building vacant for 18 months after closing the business. He added that he <br />would have welcomed a use that may not have been typical of the building's last 40 years <br />including any tenant who wanted to bring in a Commercial Recreation or Entertainment <br />Activities use. <br />Therefore, Commissioner Dlugosh believes it ill- advised to limit property owners' options in San <br />Leandro if they want to lease or sell a building of a significant size. He said that if other industrial <br />area property owners were aware of the proposal before the Commission, they would be unhappy <br />about it. He said this isn't the right time to be making a choice of this nature. In terms of <br />