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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 2011 <br />Agenda No. II -I2 Page 7 of 9 <br />uses belong in a commercial center. She said it may be far - fetched, but she gave an example of a <br />fraternity building on the former Lucky's grocery store site on East 14th Street and Juana Avenue. <br />Vice Chair Abero also specifically cited DA -5, the area behind the downtown BART station <br />between Martinez and Alvarado Streets. It's pretty much vacant property now, she said, but <br />adding Assembly Uses would open the door to something such as a mega - church. While she <br />doesn't object to them, she said that Southern California has faced issues of mega- churches going <br />bankrupt. If a mega- church built on that DA -5 property failed, she worries what might come next. <br />She pointed out the limited possibilities when Target vacated its store at Hesperian and Lewelling <br />Boulevards. Now, she said, San Leandro is one of the few U.S. cities with two Wal -Mart stores. <br />In response to Commissioner Crow, Senior Planner Livermore said that no Commercial Districts <br />along the East 14th Street corridor currently have Assembly Uses as either permitted or <br />conditionally permitted uses. Following studies in the North Area, she added, some segments <br />were designated for pure commercial activity, while residential use was combined with the <br />commercial and retail uses in other segments. For instance, she said that DA -1, which had been <br />the Commercial Downtown (CD) District, excluded Assembly Uses. At one time, she continued, <br />Assembly Uses were conditionally permitted in residentially zoned districts only. <br />In response to Commissioner Fitzsimons, Senior Planner Livermore said there's a difference <br />between Assembly Uses from zoning code and building code standpoints, so in terms of zoning, <br />City Hall (and the Council Chambers) wouldn't be considered an Assembly Use. <br />Commissioner Rennie said that it also strikes him as odd to designate DA -5 for conditionally <br />permitted Assembly Uses. Senior Planner Livermore explained that when the downtown area <br />zoning designations changed in connection with the adoption of the Transit Oriented <br />Development (TOD) Strategy, some of them previously had residential zoning designations that <br />included conditionally permitted Assembly Uses. She said that staff would be open to amending <br />its proposal to make Assembly Uses conditionally permitted in NA -2 and SA -2, eliminating DA- <br />5 from the recommendation. <br />Commissioner Crow agreed that DA -5 is more valuable for housing or commercial development <br />than any Assembly Uses and asked if staff would be willing to eliminate the proposed Assembly <br />Uses from NA -2 and SA -2 as well. He said these uses make more sense in DA -3 and DA- 3(PD). <br />Senior Planner Livermore said that the Planning Commission could make such a recommendation <br />to the City Council. She also pointed out that at this time, DA -2, DA -3 and DA -4 already <br />conditionally permit Assembly Uses, but DA -1, DA -5 and DA -6 do not. <br />Commissioner Crow withdrew his original motion. <br />Motion to Add as Conditionally Permitted Uses: <br />• Assembly Uses to NA -2, SA -2 <br />• Cultural Institutions to DA -3 <br />Crow /Dlugosh: 7 Aye, 0 No <br />[Note: Commissioner Crow moved (and seconded by Commissioner Dlugosh) to make a negative <br />recommendation to City Council regarding staffs proposal to eliminate Commercial Recreation <br />and Entertainment Activities as conditionally permitted uses in IG, IL and IP Districts. After <br />further discussion, he withdrew and restated the motion.] <br />Commissioner Rennie said that he doesn't favor completely removing or completely retaining <br />these uses in the industrial areas. He stated that a zoning change at this time, if any, should be <br />more targeted. It should be more nuanced. Further, Commissioner Rennie isn't convinced that the <br />