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File Number: 12 -056 <br />The 1999 -2002 General Plan Update represented another extensive community engagement <br />process with a 52 member General Plan Advisory Committee advising the Planning <br />Commission and City Council on the General Plan Update. As part of this process, the core <br />values of the industrial districts as a major industrial, technology and office employment center <br />were established. One example in the General Plan is Goal 7: Industrial and Office Districts. <br />Goal 7 states: Continue to develop a strong and healthy industrial and office employment <br />base in the community. Policy 7.03 of the General Plan states the following: TECH - SECTOR <br />RECRUITMENT: Attract and retain technology (high tech') companies by improving <br />technology infrastructure, targeting such companies through marketing, supporting incubator <br />and start up firms, and maintaining development regulations which facilitate the adaptive <br />reuse of older industrial buildings. Also, Policy 10.04 states the following: INDUSTRIAL <br />SANCTUARY: Protect the City's major industrial areas from encroachment by uses that are <br />potentially incompatible with existing viable industrial activities, or which may inhibit the ability <br />of industry to operate effectively. These General Plan goals and policies speak to the <br />importance of the industrial area as a sanctuary for viable industrial activities to operate <br />effectively, and retain high quality employment, especially in the tech sector. <br />Staff is recommending that Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities be removed <br />as a Conditionally Permitted Use from the Industrial Districts, except for properties in the AU <br />industrial areas, to retain the industrial and employment base that the industrial districts <br />represent. The short term gains of employment with commercial recreation or entertainment <br />activities conflict with the long term goals of stable employment and future higher wage jobs <br />industrial areas attract. The 52- member General Plan Advisory Committee wanted to protect <br />the limited resource of the industrial area which is especially restricted when we examine the <br />City's high tech industrial opportunities. <br />There is no record of any existing Commercial Recreation or Entertainment Activities uses in <br />the industrial districts. Also, staff has prepared a map that illustrates the various commercial <br />districts throughout the City where Commercial Recreation and /or Entertainment Activities are <br />permitted by right, or by permit. Commercial Recreation is permitted or conditionally permitted <br />in the following districts: CC, CC (AU), CR, CRM, NA -1, NA -2, SA -1, SA -3, and DA -1. <br />Entertainment Activities are permitted or conditional permitted in the following districts: CN, <br />CN (AU), CC, CC (AU), CR, NA -1, NA -2, SA -1, SA -2, SA -3, DA -1, DA -2, and DA -5. These <br />properties provide considerable opportunities for commercial recreation and entertainment <br />activities. <br />Following the December 15, 2011 Planning Commission meeting, staff carefully considered <br />the comments of the Planning Commission. And, in response, staff proposes to add sections <br />2 -710, 2 -712 and 2 -714 to explicitly state the Permitted and Conditionally Permitted Uses, <br />Uses Requiring Administrative Review, and Temporary Uses Requiring Administrative Review <br />for I (AU) districts. The uses would be the same as those uses currently found in the IL, IG <br />and IP zones. In addition, Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment <br />Activities would be added as Conditionally Permitted Uses in the IL (AU), IG (AU) and IP (AU) <br />Districts. There are 70 properties designated IL (AU) representing 23.55 acres; 17 properties <br />designated IG (AU) representing 84.31 acres; and 28 properties designated IP (AU) <br />representing 21.27 acres. This is a total of 115 properties representing 129.13 acres. <br />This proposal provides a balanced, citywide approach to providing traditional industrial <br />employment opportunities while maintaining flexibility in attracting commercial recreation and <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 211512012 <br />