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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes December 15, 2011 <br />Agenda No. 11 -12 Page 3 of 9 <br />Stephen Cassidy's top priorities, Commissioner Crow said that he'd appreciate more transparency <br />in this instance. <br />In response to Commissioner Crow's inquiry into her role and experience, Senior Planner <br />Livermore summarized her professional qualifications, including mention of her involvement in <br />the 1991 Zoning Code update and the General Plan update. She explained that the slowdown in <br />projects creates opportunities to address such work as Zoning Code updates, and that frequent <br />discussions between the Community Development Director and City Manager lead to shifts in <br />workload and reassessment of priorities. For efficiency's sake, she continued, staff tries to <br />package amendments for Planning Commission and City Council consideration. <br />Senior Planner Livermore added that Zoning Code changes including tonight's proposal and <br />past efforts to address big box retail provisions turn out to be less straightforward than staff <br />expects sometimes. She noted that BZA members raised a lot of questions previously so the staff <br />report prepared for the Planning Commission meeting tonight contains the detail it does. She <br />suggested that the Planning Commission discuss Commissioner Crow's points before reaching a <br />recommendation to forward to the City Council, which is the ultimate arbiter of Zoning Code <br />amendments. <br />In response to further questions about viable uses that existed in the industrial area from <br />Commissioner Crow, Senior Planner Livermore said that she is not aware of any previously <br />existing Commercial Recreation facilities there. Nor, she said, is she aware of any currently <br />operating artists' studios or daycare. She said that she doesn't know about any strip clubs and /or <br />sex shops there, but believes there may be a health and fitness center. She said that the health and <br />fitness clubs attracted to an industrial area tend to be smaller and more compact than Commercial <br />Recreation uses such as the Bladium and City Beach facilities. Commissioner Crow, noting that <br />health and fitness clubs are permitted uses under the current Zoning Code, said that he doesn't <br />understand why the City would want to eliminate recreation but leave health and fitness centers. <br />Senior Planner Livermore said that one thing that hasn't entered the discussion is parking. <br />Industrial properties in San Leandro have parking requirements on the basis of building square <br />footage, from 750 to 1,500 square feet, whereas large Commercial Recreation facilities would <br />have significantly greater parking requirements. <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons asked what staff considers incompatible about Commercial <br />Recreation and Entertainment Activities that are located in industrial areas. He understands that <br />residential uses would not be compatible, but suggested that uses involving night and weekend <br />activity would be, because they probably would have different hours of operation. Industrial uses, <br />he observed, tend to be Monday through Friday, early morning to early afternoon. Senior Planner <br />Livermore said that it seemed to improve overall land -use compatibility in San Leandro to <br />separate the Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities from industrial uses. She <br />referred to City Beach in Fremont, which attracts large numbers of people. While such a facility <br />might seem compatible at this point, she said that she can imagine conflicts arising if, for <br />instance, a 24/7 heavy trucking business were to move into a vacant property next door. Those are <br />the types of situation that she said the proposals would help San Leandro avoid. Bit by bit, she <br />said, such conflicts would erode the viability of the industrial base and inhibit the City's ability to <br />keep the area's industrial focus. <br />Commissioner Crow asked whether any San Leandro buildings outside the industrial area could <br />accommodate an indoor soccer field if someone wanted to invest a lot of money retrofitting a <br />warehouse for that purpose in San Leandro. Senior Planner Livermore said that in the scenario he <br />described, the Office of Business Development would look for appropriately zoned locations to <br />facilitate the development. <br />