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File Number: 12 -058 <br />Members of the Disaster Council introduced themselves and the agencies they represent. <br />2. Sub - committee Report on Discussion Regarding Establishing Emergency Shelters at School <br />Sites <br />Kathy Ornelas reported that the sub - committee of City staff, representatives of both School Districts <br />and the Red Cross continues to meet to discuss the process of opening an emergency shelter at a <br />school site. The City and school districts have been reviewing the MOU requested by the Red Cross <br />for use of facilities as shelters, and have been updating building surveys of the sites that potentially <br />could be used as shelters. <br />Terry Garrison, who is staff to the Alameda County Office of Education and is tasked with helping <br />all schools in the county maintain emergency plans and readiness, has agreed to present a table top <br />exercise in the coming months for the City, schools and the Red Cross to give a practical <br />understanding of how a shelter will be established at a school. She would like to include <br />neighboring school districts, charter and private schools in the exercise to get as many trained as <br />possible, and to establish relationships between the agencies for mutual assistance should it be <br />needed in an emergency response. <br />Staff met with Terry after the meeting. She agreed to check with both School Districts' calendars to <br />find a suitable date for the exercise, which will hopefully be in May. The City has agreed to host the <br />exercise at the Marina Community Center, depending upon the Center's availability. <br />3. Discussion on Goal Setting for 2012 <br />The group brainstormed on topics and projects that the Disaster Council could consider for future <br />meetings. Given that this calendar year will be nearly half over by the time the next Disaster <br />Council meeting occurs in April, it was agreed that the discussion could go beyond 2012 for topics <br />to consider. <br />The list of topics is attached to these highlights. The group will continue discussion of these items <br />at the April 2012 meeting to establish which items should be scheduled for each future meeting. <br />4. Committee Member Comments (Roundtable) <br />Marla Blagg introduced Christy DeMaria as ACFD's new CERT Coordinator. She is facilitating the <br />six -week CERT training class in San Leandro that started this month. More than 90 residents are <br />participating at this time. The group asked what neighborhoods in San Leandro are represented in <br />the class. As follow -up after the meeting, Christy reported that those participants who identified <br />themselves from a particular neighborhood listed the Broadmoor, Mulford Gardens and Washington <br />Manor. Marla further discussed with the group how, in the future, the City and ACFD might <br />collaborate on promoting the Map Your Neighborhood project further in the community. <br />Lars Eric Holm from CARD commented on the importance of communication with parents, and that <br />training is equally important for school staff for their own home preparedness planning. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 211512012 <br />