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Finance Highlights 2012 0120
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Finance Committee
Finance Highlights 2012 0120
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File Number: 12 -055 <br />1. Presentation by City's Independent Auditor on the Comprehensive Annual Financial <br />Report (CAFR) for the Year Ended June 30, 2011 <br />Finance Director James O'Leary introduced Mark Wong of the firm Maze & Associates, <br />independent auditors that performed the audit for the Comprehensive Annual Finance Report <br />(CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2011. Mr. Wong presented to the Finance <br />Committee a brief summary and informed the Committee that the City of San Leandro has <br />again received a clean unqualified opinion letter. Mr. Wong gave credit to the Finance <br />Department's staff, Carla Rodriguez and Christine Galvin, as the financial statements are <br />prepared by the department. <br />The Committee thanked Mr. Wong for his time. <br />2. Discussion Regarding 2011 -12 Mid -Year Financial Report as of December 31, 2011 <br />for the General Fund, Redevelopment Funds, Enterprise Funds, and Internal Service <br />Funds <br />Mr. O'Leary presented the Mid -Year Financial Report as of December 31, 2011 for the <br />General, Special Revenue, Enterprise, and Internal Service Funds. At the previous request <br />of the Committee, the format of the report has been amended to include additional <br />information. There are two columns that have been added: an "Adjusted Budget" column <br />was added to the period ending December 31, 2011 to provide the Committee with current <br />estimates of what the budget will be for the full year; the second column is for the year- ending <br />June 30, 2011 and provides a year -end percentage of the budget, to indicate how the year <br />actually ended. Mr. O'Leary compared the Total Taxes revenue between fiscal years 2011 -12 <br />and 2010 -11. For the same period, December 31 st, revenues are at 41 % of the adopted <br />budget for both years however for 2011 -12, the adopted budget is $6 million more than in <br />2010 -11. Therefore, the revenue is higher. Mr. O'Leary also pointed out that the City has <br />received a one -time Real Property Transfer Tax of $600,000 for the sale of Lakeside <br />Apartments. Mayor Cassidy questioned what the percentage of RPTT would be had we not <br />received the money from Lakeside. Mr. O'Leary stated that the City would be on track with <br />the adopted budget. Mr. O'Leary reported that based on the first half of the fiscal year, total <br />revenue will exceed the expenditures by a significant amount. <br />Mayor Cassidy inquired about Sales Tax revenue. Mr. O'Leary stated that data has not yet <br />been received from the State, as they are two months behind, and revenue for the last quarter <br />would most likely not be received until March. Although the data has not been received, it <br />appears as though the economy is getting better, as indicated by our analyst. <br />Vice Mayor Gregory inquired about fees and when they are figured into the budget, e.g. <br />Kaiser permit fees. Community Development Director Sims stated that for the most part, <br />there will be no further permits issued for the Kaiser development. Mr. Sims stated that due <br />to the increase in inspections, he has submitted a request to the City Manager's Office for a <br />part -time inspector. The personnel cost for a part -time inspector would be much less then the <br />anticipated revenue. <br />Mayor Cassidy inquired about Business License revenue as it appeared to be lower than the <br />previous year. Mr. O'Leary stated that it was too soon to tell as the 2012 renewals had just <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 211512012 <br />
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