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City Council Meeting Agenda March 5, 2012 <br />8. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Consent Calendar items are considered for approval by the City Council with one single <br />action. As described above in Item 7, Amendment of Consent Calendar, the City Council <br />may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of presentation or discussion. <br />Members of the public who have requested to address the Council regarding items <br />remaining on the Consent Calendar may do so for up to 3 minutes per item with a maximum <br />of 5 minutes for all items. Items listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been <br />read by title. <br />8.A. 12 -091 APPROVE: Minutes of the Meeting of February 21, 2012 <br />8.B. 12 -097 ACCEPT: Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Highlights of February 14, <br />2012 <br />8.C. 12 -107 ACCEPT: City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee Meeting <br />Highlights of February 2, 2012 <br />COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Direct the City Manager to enable City staff to work <br />with District staff to develop estimates for maintenance and operational costs, to be brought <br />back to the Liaison Committee for discussion <br />8.D. 12 -057 ADOPT: Ordinance No. 2012 -002, an Ordinance Amending Provisions of the San Leandro <br />Zoning Code Relating to Miscellaneous Changes to the NA -2, SA -2, and DA -3 Zoning <br />Districts Related to Assembly Uses and Cultural Institutions <br />8.E. 12 -088 Staff Report for Approval of the 2012 Alameda County Transportation Expenditure Plan and <br />Request for the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to Place an Extension and <br />Augmentation Measure of the Existing Transportation Sales Tax on the November 6, 2012 <br />Ballot <br />12 -089 ADOPT: Resolution for Approval of the 2012 Alameda County Transportation Expenditure <br />Plan and Request for the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to Place an Extension and <br />Augmentation Measure for the Existing Transportation Sales Tax on the November 6, 2012 <br />Ballot (approves the County's plan for transportation projects and asks the County to place <br />a measure for a half -cent sales tax increase before voters to fund the plan) <br />8.F. 12 -074 Staff Report for Resolution Declaring Nine Vehicles and One Street Striper Surplus, <br />Authorizing the Sale of One Truck to the San Leandro Unified School District for $1,000, <br />and Selling the Remaining Vehicles and the Striper at Public Auction <br />12 -075 ADOPT: Resolution Declaring Nine Vehicles and One Street Striper Surplus, Authorizing <br />the Sale of One Truck to the San Leandro Unified School District for $1,000, and Selling the <br />Remaining Vehicles and the Striper at Public Auction (authorizes the sale of items which <br />have met the replacement criteria) <br />8.G. 12 -087 Staff Report for Cleanup Resolution of the City Council of the City of San Leandro Electing <br />to Receive Statutory Passthrough Payments with Respect to the West San <br />Leandro /MacArthur Boulevard Redevelopment Project Area <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 212812012 <br />