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File Number: 12 -107 <br />Superintendent Cathey began by announcing that the SLUSD Board approved the <br />Measure M photovoltaic /solar panel design for the San Leandro High School (SLHS) <br />Swim Center and Parking Lot, and the SLUSD Pacific Sports Complex and Burrell Field. <br />Assistant Superintendent Chin - Bendib gave a PowerPoint presentation (attached) on the <br />subject. A discussion ensued regarding the project, i.e., potential vandalism of the <br />panels, site placement of the panels and impact on the project. Vice Mayor Gregory <br />commented that the installation of the panels will expand the possibility for potential <br />green jobs in the East Bay "Green Corridor" and hopefully this project will leverage for <br />more Bond monies for the District in the future. He also thanked the District staff for the <br />presentation. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Text -A -Tip <br />Sergeant Troy Young gave a short overview of the Text -A -Tip Program, an instant <br />message notification system that the San Leandro Police Department will implement in <br />March 2012. The program is another option for residents and students specifically to <br />contact the police department anonymously with important information. A discussion <br />ensued regarding the program. Committee members suggested many public outreach <br />ideas to specifically notify students of this new technology, i.e., City and District website <br />bulletins, newsletter to parents and press releases. <br />3. Update on District Parcel Tax <br />Superintendent Cathey explained that the District Board approved a consultant to <br />conduct a community survey of approximately 400 random households in the city to see <br />if there is support for a parcel tax. Board Member Katz - Lacabe gave a brief history of <br />the April 2006 parcel tax measure that failed. A discussion ensued. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Pacific Sports Complex Joint Use Agreement <br />Deputy City Manager Diaz described that staff from the City and District have met <br />several times since April 2011, in which the conceptual design was discussed, as well as <br />maintenance and operations. Ms. Diaz continued that other details, particularly the <br />subject of costs, are coming together and should be available in a few weeks. A <br />discussion ensued regarding the project and how the complex will be a benefit to the City <br />and District, and how the complex will be managed at the most cost effective level. <br />Committee Recommendation The Committee recommends the City Council direct the <br />City Manager to enable City staff to work with District staff to develop estimates for <br />maintenance and operational costs, to be brought back to the Liaison Committee for <br />discussion. <br />5. Update on Forum on Children <br />Vice Mayor Gregory expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming Forum on Saturday, <br />April 21 at the Main Library. Ms. Diaz announced the next planning meeting for the <br />Forum on Children will be February 15. She continued that the conceptual design of the <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 212812012 <br />