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File Number: 12 -107 <br />Forum is progressing well, i.e., a keynote speaker with two segments and three break out <br />sessions. A discussion on possible keynote speakers and intended subject matter, i.e., <br />Education in the Future, Technology and Teens, and Youth Wellness Issues. <br />6. Public Comments <br />Dale Gregory, Co- Director of the Broadmoor Parent Cooperative Preschool, gave an <br />overview of the Parent Education Program and the hope of the program's expansion. <br />She requested that a parent education component be part of the upcoming Spring Forum <br />on Children, noting the key piece in a child's life is a role model adult. <br />Two scouts from the Boy Scouts of America who are working on their communications <br />merit badge attended the meeting. <br />7. Committee Comments <br />Council Member Cutter announced that she was content with the direction of the <br />Committee. <br />Chair Mack -Rose announced that she attended a Community Based School Conference <br />in Oakland that discussed Collective Impact issues on how to more effectively provide <br />better services to students and families. Ms. Mack -Rose also spoke about the District's <br />Finance Committee, which recently met, and how the District is required to report a <br />two -year budget to the County by March 15, which may include a $4.5 million budget cut <br />next year and the importance of a parcel tax, although that will be only a partial solution. <br />She suggested this Committee discuss combining maintenance operations in the future. <br />She also announced the a Pacific High School and San Leandro High School Reunion <br />Football game will take place on March 31. She also reminded everyone that there will <br />be a San Leandro High School PTA Fundraiser at Drake's Brewery on February 3. <br />Board Member Prola spoke about a County Office of Education study in Childhood <br />Education which discussed how children handle their emotions and social skills, <br />particularly in times of crisis, i.e., Hurricane Katrina, and the best results were children <br />who were mentored by a viable adult. Ms. Prola also announced she wrote a letter to AC <br />Transit regarding the replacement of a bus stop due to the fact that a 60 foot double bus <br />was blocking an intersection near a school. A discussion ensued that contacting the <br />City's Transportation Engineers might be the best route for a solution to the bus stop <br />issue. <br />Board Member Katz - Lacabe expressed his pleasure that the signal light at the <br />intersection of 136th and Bancroft Avenues were on the next City Council agenda. Mr. <br />Katz - Lacabe announced he will attend the Lit San Leandro event at OSlsoft on February <br />7 and hopes that the District can also benefit from the project. He also expressed for a <br />future committee agenda item that the very rare Transit of the Planet Venus be <br />discussed, in which the planet will pass directly between the earth and the sun in June <br />2012. <br />Mr. Gregory announced that he attended the Alameda County Medical Center event at <br />Highland Hospital in which school -based wellness programs were discussed and hopes <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 212812012 <br />