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File Number: 12-088 <br />persons with disabilities, essentially doubling the funds available for targeted services for this <br />important group. Funds are also committed to support transportation access to schools. The <br />City of San Leandro will continue to receive funds to maintain its FLEX Shuttle service for <br />MUMMA <br />Major capital investments include upgrades to the existing BART system and a BART <br />extension in the eastern part of the county, adding bus rapid transit routes to improve the <br />efficiency of transit, and providing funding for rail transit investments such as the Capital <br />Corridor rail and improvements across the Dumbarton Bridge. <br />The following table shows the proposed funding details for this program. <br />Transit & Specialized Transit (48%) $3,732 M (in millions) <br />Mass Transit: Operations, Access to Schools, Maintenance & <br />Safety Program $1,857 M <br />Specialized Transit For Seniors and Persons with Disabilities $774 M <br />Bus Transit Efficiency & Priority $35 M <br />BART System Modernization & Expansion $710 M <br />Regional Rail Enhancements & High Speed Rail Connections $355 M <br />Local Streets and Roads (30%) <br />Alameda County has more than 3,400 road miles of aging streets and roads, many of which <br />are in need of repair. Intersections need to be reconfigured, traffic lights need to be <br />synchronized, and pot holes need to be filled. Most importantly, these roads are essential to <br />every mode of transportation. A total of 30% of the net revenue anticipated from this tax is <br />dedicated to the improvement of local streets and roads (LSR). <br />Streets and roads investments include two major components: a program that provides <br />funding for local jurisdictions to maintain streets and roads, and a capital program that is <br />focused on improving the performance of major commute routes and bridges throughout the <br />county, including enhancing seismic safety of local bridges. <br />The Streets and Roads program in the Expenditure Plan involves shared responsibility: local <br />cities and the County will set their road priorities within a framework that supports complete <br />streets to serve all users and types of transportation, honors best practices and encourages <br />agencies to work together. More specifically, streets and roads expenditures will be designed <br />to benefit all modes of travel by improving safety, accessibility, and convenience for all users <br />of the street right-of-way, and 15% of these funds will support bicycle and pedestrian <br />elements of streets and roads projects. The plan also focuses on important commute <br />corridors that carry the majority of the driving public and cross city boundaries, ensuring <br />enhanced cooperation and coordination between agencies. The City of San Leandro will <br />continue to receive funds for local street maintenance and for a large scale street <br />rehabilitation program. These funds will be allocated through the Alameda CTC Capital <br />Improvement Program, which will be updated every two years and will allocate funding based <br />upon geographic equity. <br />The following table shows the proposed funding details for this program. <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 2/28/2012 <br />