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Alameda CTC Local Streets and Roads Program Implementation Guidelines <br />4) A resolution, such as to submit a grant application <br />Furthermore, the jurisdiction must submit to Alameda CTC the list of <br />projects /programs on which the jurisdiction will spend Measure B pass - <br />through funding in advance of expending the funds. The jurisdiction must <br />submit projects and programs to the Alameda CTC through the annual end - <br />of -year compliance report for Measure B funds. <br />2. VRF Local Streets and Roads Pass - through Funds <br />General: Alameda CTC distributes VRF Local Streets and Roads Pass - <br />through Funds to cities in the county and to Alameda County to be spent on <br />transportation capital improvements for surface streets and arterial roads, <br />and maintenance and upkeep of local streets and roads. These funds are <br />intended to maintain and improve local streets and roads as well as a broad <br />range of facilities in Alameda County (from local to arterial facilities). <br />The pass - through funds constitute 100 percent of the total VRF Local <br />Streets and Roads funds and are distributed among the four planning areas of <br />the county. VRF local streets and roads pass - through funds within the <br />geographic planning area are based on a formula weighted 50 percent by the <br />population of the jurisdiction within the planning area and 50 percent of the <br />number of registered vehicles in the planning area. VRF local streets and <br />roads funds will be distributed by population within a planning area. <br />Allocations may change in the future based on changes in population and <br />number of registered vehicle figures. Recipients are not required to enter <br />into a separate agreement with Alameda CTC prior to receipt of such funds. <br />Agencies will maintain all interest accrued from the VRF Local Road Program <br />pass through funds within the program. These funds are allocated on a <br />monthly basis directly to each city and the County. These funds must be <br />placed in a separate account from the Measure B Funds. <br />b. Eligible Uses: The VRF Local Streets and Roads pass - through funds may <br />be used for improving, maintaining, and rehabilitating local roads and <br />traffic signals. It will also incorporate the Complete Streets practice that <br />makes local roads safe for all modes, including bicyclists and pedestrians, <br />and accommodates transit. Eligible uses for these funds include, but are not <br />necessarily limited to: <br />1) Street repaving and rehabilitation, including curbs, gutters and <br />drains <br />2) Traffic signal maintenance and upgrades, including bicyclist and <br />pedestrian treatments <br />3) Signage and striping on roadways, including traffic and bicycle <br />lanes and crosswalks <br />4) Sidewalk repair and installation <br />5) Bus stop improvements, including bus pads, turnouts and striping <br />