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Alameda CTC Local Streets and Roads Program Implementation Guidelines <br />6) Improvements to roadways at rail crossings, including grade <br />separations and safety protection devices <br />7) Improvements to roadways with truck or transit routing <br />C. Ineligible Uses: The following is a list of ineligible uses of VRF Local <br />Streets and Roads pass - through funds: <br />1) Non - transportation projects such as fees charged to capital <br />construction projects for services or amenities that are not related to <br />transportation <br />2) Projects or programs that are not directly related to streets and roads <br />improvements <br />3) Projects or programs that exclusively serve city /county staff <br />4) Indirect costs, unless the RECIPIENT submits an independently <br />audited /approved Indirect Cost Allocation Plan. <br />Section 6. Complete Streets Policy Requirement <br />A. To receive Measure B and VRF funds, local jurisdictions must do both of the following <br />with respect to Complete Streets policies: <br />Have an adopted Complete Streets policy, or demonstrate that a policy is being <br />developed and will be adopted by June 30, 2013. This policy should include the <br />"Elements of an Ideal Complete Streets Policy" developed by the National <br />Complete Streets Coalition ( http: / / /webdocs /policy /cs- <br />policyelements.pdf Resources will be developed by the Alameda CTC to assist <br />local jurisdictions with developing and implementing complete streets policies. <br />2. Comply with the California Complete Streets Act of 2008. The California <br />Complete Streets Act (AB1358) requires that local general plans do the following: <br />a. Commencing January 1, 2011, upon any substantial revision of the <br />circulation element, the legislative body shall modify the circulation <br />element to plan for a balanced, multimodal transportation network that <br />meets the needs of all users of the streets, roads, and highways for safe and <br />convenient travel in a manner that is suitable to the rural, suburban, or urban <br />context of the general plan. <br />b. For the purposes of this paragraph, "users of streets, roads, and highways" <br />means bicyclists, children, persons with disabilities, motorists, movers of <br />commercial goods, pedestrians, users of public transportation, and seniors. <br />The Governor's Office of Planning and Research has developed detailed guidance <br />for meeting this law: Update to the General Plan Guidelines: Complete Streets and <br />the Circulation Element <br />( http: / / docs/ Update_ GP _Guidelines_Complete_Streets.p <br />df). <br />