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detrimental to public health, safety or welfare and would not <br />cause undue damage, hardship, nuisance or other detriment to <br />persons or property in the vicinity. The Zoning Enforcement <br />Official shall deny, approve or conditionally approve the <br />application. <br />2. Notice of Decision The Zoning Enforcement Official shall notify <br />by mail the applicant and all abutting property owners. Said <br />notice shall contain a statement that the action taken will <br />become final within fifteen (15) days from the date thereof <br />unless appealed in writing to the Board of Zoning Adjustments. <br />The action of the Zoning Enforcement Official shall be final <br />unless an appeal is so filed. <br />E. Appeals Any person aggrieved with the action of the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official may appeal such action to the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments, pursuant to the requirements of Article 28. <br />4 -1682 Fences, Walls, and Hedges <br />A. Residential, Open Space and Public /Semi - Public Districts Except as <br />provided for in Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 below, the maximum height of <br />a fence, wall, or hedge shall be seven (7) feet except in required <br />front or corner side yards abutting a street where the maximum <br />height shall be three (3) feet. All fences, walls, and hedges shall be <br />subject to the driveway visibility requirements of Article 17, Off - Street <br />Parking and Loading Requirements. <br />1. RO District The maximum height of a fence, wall, or hedge <br />in the RO District shall be six (6) feet except in required front <br />or corner side yards abutting a street where the maximum <br />height shall be three (3) feet. <br />2. Corner lots in the RO, RS, RS -40, RS -VP, and RD Districts <br />Starting from the back wall of the house, the maximum <br />height of a fence, wall, or hedge on a corner lot in the RO, <br />RS, RS-40, RS -VP or RD District shall follow the gradient <br />formula diagram below, which allows for an increase in <br />height of one (1) foot for each 2.5 feet back from the street <br />side property line, up to a maximum of six (6) feet in the RO <br />District, and seven (7) feet in the RS, RS -40, RS -VP and RD <br />Districts. The area in front of the fence shall be required to <br />be planted with a combination of groundcovers, shrubs, <br />and /or small trees and shall also have irrigation installed. <br />Exhibit A: Zoning Code Excerpts with Proposed Changes page 7 of 10 <br />