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The Zoning Enforcement Official may modify the standards referenced <br />herein subject to the approval of a Fence Modification Permit. <br />B. Commercial, Professional and Industrial Districts. <br />Maximum Height The maximum height of a fence, wall, or <br />hedge shall be eight (8) feet except in required front or corner <br />side yards where the maximum height shall be three (3) feet. <br />2. Minimum standards for fences along street frontages Fences <br />that are adjacent to the required minimum front, corner side <br />and /or rear yard with frontage along a public street frontage <br />shall be constructed of either: a) tubular steel, or of equally high <br />quality "visually transparent" style, or b) a solid architectural <br />wall compatible with the building colors and materials. <br />In addition, all fences, walls, and hedges shall be subject to the <br />driveway visibility requirements of Article 17: Off - Street Parking and Loading <br />Requirements. Walls adjoining residential uses shall be subject to the <br />regulations of Section 4 -1642: Walls Adjoining Residential Use. <br />C. Fence Modifications Approval to vary from the standards of this <br />Section may be granted with the approval of a fence modification <br />application. <br />The Zoning Enforcement Official May Approve Modifications <br />The Zoning Enforcement Official in a hearing following informal <br />notice as specified in Paragraph 4 below may modify the <br />requirements for the maximum height, minimum setback, and <br />material of construction for fences as established in the Zoning <br />Code. <br />2. Noticing Requirements Notice of the time, place, and purpose <br />of the hearing shall be posted at least ten (10) days prior to the <br />date of the hearing, on or adjacent to the property involved, and <br />mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing to the owners <br />of adjacent property. <br />3. Standards for Approval <br />a. The fence is not detrimental to adjacent property; <br />b. The fence is compatible with the neighborhood in terms of <br />aesthetics; <br />c. The fence does not create a site distance hazard; and <br />Exhibit A: Zoning Code Excerpts with Proposed Changes page 9 of 10 <br />