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D Use Permit Prevse.p /� i i permit is rani Ii aired if en @PP rat RRet <br />a ii <br />TCrrr�rrc- r- ry -v�vn�rrTra��crrr�rrc- rTrc�crrr �rr��rn -rvr <br />, ene er mere of th PFe Vi S i eRS of SeGtieR 2516 G.1 thFeugh <br />5. Administrative Exception Provision. The Zoning Enforcement <br />Official may approve an Administrative Exception, per Section 2- <br />574, if an applicant cannot meet the provisions of Section 2 -516, <br />C.1 through 5. <br />2 -546 Accessory Structures in RS, RD and RM Districts <br />A. Tim ing . Accessory structures shall not be established or constructed <br />prior to the start of construction of a principal structure on a site, <br />except that construction trailers may be placed on a site at the time <br />site clearance and grading begins and may remain on the site only for <br />the duration of construction. <br />B. Location Except as provided in this Subsection, accessory <br />structures shall not occupy a required front or corner side yard or <br />court or project beyond the front building line of the principal structure <br />on a site. No accessory uses shall be permitted off -site. Accessory <br />structures must maintain a six (6) foot separation from other <br />structures on the lot. <br />C. Maximum Area and Coverage <br />1. The coverage of accessory structures on the lot shall be part <br />of the fifty percent (50 %) total lot coverage allowed in the RS, <br />RD, and RM -3000 Districts. Accessory structures in the RM- <br />2500 and RM -2000 Districts shall meet the total lot coverage <br />requirement of sixty percent (60 %) and accessory structures in <br />the RM -1800 District shall meet the total lot coverage <br />requirement of seventy percent (70 %). <br />2. No single such structure shall occupy more than five hundred <br />(500) square feet. <br />3. Structures o "e tW8Rt (1 sg 6ia r re - f e ee t eI -less that <br />are not required to obtain a building permit under the San <br />Leandro Building Code and which are not over eight (8) feet <br />in height shall be exempt from the lot coverage requirement. <br />4. In determining coverage, one -half ('/2) of the roofed area of a <br />building open on at least two (2) sides shall be excluded. <br />Exhibit A: Zoning Code Excerpts with Proposed Changes page 3 of 10 <br />