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Fund Type Allocation Method <br /> Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Measure B: 75% Pass - through Funds <br /> Measure B: 25% Grant Program <br /> VRF Funds: 100% Grant Program <br /> Local Streets and Roads Measure B: 100% Pass - through Funds <br /> VRF Funds: 100% Pass - through funds <br /> Local Transportation Technology VRF Funds: 100% Grant Program <br /> Mass Transit Measure B: 100% Pass - through Funds <br /> Measure B Express Bus: l00% Grant Program <br /> VRF Funds: 100% Grant Program; recipients may also <br /> use these funds for paratransit services <br /> Paratransit Measure B: 100% Pass - through Funds <br /> Measure B Gap Grant: 100% Grant Program <br /> Transit Center Development Measure B: 100% Grant Program <br /> 1. Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: <br /> a. Measure B bicycle and pedestrian safety pass - through funds within <br /> each geographic subarea are distributed pursuant to a formula weighted 100 percent by the <br /> population of the jurisdiction within the subarea. The Measure 13 Expenditure Plan designates 75 <br /> percent of Measure B funds as local pass - through funds. Each city and Alameda County shall <br /> receive up to their proportional share of the 75 percent of the funds based on population over the <br /> life of the Measure. Allocations may change in the future based on changes in population figures. <br /> Recipients agree to the formula distributions herein and are not required to enter into a separate <br /> agreement with Alameda CTC prior to receipt of such funds. <br /> b. Measure B and VRF bicycle and pedestrian safety grant funds are <br /> awarded on a discretionary basis through competitive grant programs. Any recipient of such a <br /> grant award shall enter into a separate agreement with Alameda CTC in conformance with the <br /> Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program Implementation Guidelines prior to receipt of such funds. <br />