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City Council Minutes - Draft March 5, 2012 <br />12 -132 MOTION: Moton to continue the matter; direct staff to meet with the bargaining unit <br />as soon as possible; and return to Council with a recommendation at the next regular <br />meeting. <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Prola, seconded by Councilmember <br />Starosciak, that this Minute Order be Adopted. The motion carried by the <br />following vote. <br />Aye: 7 - Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza, Starosciak <br />Enactment No: Min Order 2012 -010 <br />8.M. 12 -109 Staff Report for City Council Adoption of the 2012 -13 Goals as Developed at the <br />Winter 2012 City Council Retreat <br />12 -110 MOTION: Adopt City Council 2012 -13 Goals as Developed at the Winter 2012 City <br />Council Retreat <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Starosciak, seconded by <br />Councilmember Cutter, that this Minute Order be Adopted. The motion carried <br />by the following vote. <br />Aye: 7 - Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza, Starosciak <br />Enactment No: Min Order 2012 -011 <br />10. ACTION ITEMS <br />10.A. 12 -034 ADOPT: Ordinance No. 2012 -001, an Ordinance Amending Article 5, Sections <br />2 -516 and 2 -574 (Large Family Day Care); Article 5, Section 2 -546 (Accessory <br />Structure); Article 17, Section 4 -1718 (Paving in Residential Front Yard); and Article <br />16, Section 4 -1682 (Fences in the Residential Single - Family View Preservation <br />Overlay District) of the San Leandro Zoning Code <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Starosciak, seconded by <br />Councilmember Reed, that this Ordinance be Adopted. The motion carried by <br />the following vote. <br />Aye: 6 - Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza, Starosciak <br />Recused: 1 - Cassidy <br />Enactment No: Ordinance 2012 -001 <br />10.13. 12 -104 Staff Report for City Council Review of Projects for Presentation to the City's <br />Congressional Representatives and Administrative Departments During the March <br />National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. for Inclusion in the Federal <br />Fiscal Year 2013 Budget <br />10.C. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken <br />No reportable actions taken. <br />11. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR <br />City of San Leandro Page 6 <br />