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File Number: 12 -119 <br />Interim Finance Director O'Leary presented the report of the Emergency Communication <br />System Access Tax (911 Tax), as required by Municipal Code, Section 2 -18 -220. Mr. O'Leary <br />reported revenue of approximately $1.3 million for the period July 2011 through December <br />2011; stating that it was on track to the projected amount of $2.7 million for the fiscal year. <br />Mr. O'Leary provided a summary of the expenditures for the current fiscal year as well as the <br />projected expenditure for 2012 -13. There will be a decrease in Police Dispatch operation <br />expenditures in 2012 -13 due to the pay -off of the CAD RMS loan this year, offset by a small <br />increase in Fire Dispatch costs. Mr. O'Leary advised the Committee that in May of 2012, staff <br />will present the City Council with a proposed ordinance to increase the rates by the CPI of <br />2.6% as authorized, along with the other proposed changes to fees in the master fee <br />schedule. <br />Mayor Cassidy and Councilmember Souza inquired about the rise in Fire Dispatch costs. <br />Councilmember Souza stated that it was her understanding, from a prior report from Alameda <br />County Fire, with more cities joining the pool, costs would be spread throughout. Budget and <br />Compliance Manager Perini stated that the numbers were based on 2010 Actuals and <br />because 2011 Actuals have not been reported, the estimates may appear to be high. Vice <br />Mayor Gregory inquired whether the Police dispatch has considered consolidating with <br />surrounding cities as Alameda County Fire has done. Assistant City Manager Marshall stated <br />that the Chief of Police is consulting with her counterparts on the pros and cons of several <br />areas of shared police services. Mayor Cassidy would like a report on the Chief's findings. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended taking report to City Council for approval. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Formation of Citizens Oversight Committee Required by the <br />Transaction and Use Tax (Measure Z) Ordinance. <br />City Manager Zapata reported to the Finance Committee that based on the ordinance related <br />to Measure Z - Transaction and Use Tax, the City is to form a Citizen Oversight Committee. <br />Mr. Zapata proceeded to present the suggestions by staff related to the composition and <br />scope of work of the Citizen Oversight Committee. <br />Mr. Zapata stated that prior to appointing members to the Citizen Oversight Committee the <br />scope of responsibility must be defined. In addition to those listed in the staff report, Mr. <br />Zapata recommended the following be discussed as well: frequency of meetings, public <br />information and transparency efforts; and the requirement to prepare a sustainability plan and <br />strategy by a certain date. <br />Mayor Cassidy focused on the composition of the five open slots and indicated that he would <br />like flexibility when forming the Citizen Oversight Committee. For example, rather than state a <br />title or name of a specific person, use a term such as, "Representative ". The Finance <br />Committee wants to assure retail businesses and residential and business consumers are <br />properly represented. <br />After discussion, the Finance Committee agreed on the following five compositions: <br />Representative of the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 311312012 <br />