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Recommended actions include developing guidelines for the evacuation of persons with <br />disabilities in various types of emergency situations. The Human Resources Division should <br />work with each department to develop department- specific emergency evacuation plans which <br />include alarm systems, evacuation assistance, and training of department Fire Action Safety <br />Teams (FAST). <br />Facilities <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Few departments reported that they have had accessibility complaints related to facilities. <br />Recommended actions include continued implementation of barrier removal schedule as was <br />established in the Transition Plan Update to ensure accessibility of all facilities, and providing <br />about facility accessibility on department publications, including the City's website, for those <br />facilities that may be rented by the public. <br />Special Events on Public Properties <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Some departments reported that they offer special events on City property and that all events <br />held on City property will be fully accessible. <br />Recommended actions include, in situations where private organizations sponsor events in City <br />facilities, the City will inform private organizations about applicable ADA requirements, and <br />providing a checklist and information during the application process to inform organizers of <br />their responsibility for accessibility under the ADA. The checklist and information will be <br />available on the City's website. <br />Facility Survey <br />In 2009, the City conducted a physical audit of City facilities to identify facility barriers and <br />identify recommendations and alterations in order to meet state and federal accessibility <br />standards. The list of facilities surveyed includes all City -owned buildings, parks and <br />recreation facilities used by the public. The facilities assessment was conducted in accordance <br />with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the California <br />Building Code (CBC). <br />ADA Facilities Transition Plan <br />Title II of the ADA requires public entities having responsibility for or authority over facilities, <br />streets, roads, sidewalks, and /or other areas meant for public use to develop a Transition Plan <br />to make their facilities meet the standards for Program Accessibility. <br />Page 9 <br />