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8F Consent 2012 0319
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2012 0319
8F Consent 2012 0319
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Last modified
3/21/2012 5:01:34 PM
Creation date
3/13/2012 5:26:48 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Transportation <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Few departments reported providing transportation as part of their programs, activities and <br />services. Most departments reported providing transportation to people with mobility, vision, <br />or cognitive disabilities upon request. <br />Recommended actions include ensure that when transportation is provided for City programs, <br />accessible vehicles are available upon request, and publishing information about how to <br />request accessible transportation, including services for persons with hearing impairments as <br />needed. <br />Tours and Trips <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Some departments offer tours or trips as part of their programs, activities and services. Insure <br />that all departments have procedures for making these accessible to people with physical, <br />visual, and cognitive disabilities. Some departments have procedures for making tours and <br />trips accessible to people to the deaf and hearing impaired. <br />Recommended actions include ensuring that tours are provided in a way that allow people with <br />mobility, visual, speech, hearing, and cognitive disabilities to fully participate, evaluating the <br />destination of the tour or trip in order to determine the level of accessibility and any <br />accommodations or modifications that may be required, and providing information to <br />participants in advance of a tour or trip regarding the destination, transportation, and other <br />characteristics of the event so that informed requests for accommodations can be made. <br />Use of Consultants for Delivering Program Services <br />Self- Evaluation Findings: <br />Few departments use consultants to provide services to the public. Those that do, ensure that <br />consultants are aware of their obligations to facilitate participation of persons with disabilities <br />in programs provided in the written contracts and monitor their contractor's obligation to <br />provide accessible services. <br />Recommended actions include that a procedure should be established to ensure that a <br />consultant's work is consistent with City accessibility policies and standards, including contract <br />language and a monitoring procedure. <br />Emergency Evacuation Procedures <br />The City must adopt emergency evacuation plans that establish procedures for evacuating <br />persons with disabilities who may need special assistance in an emergency. This particularly <br />applies to any two -story facility (City Hall and Main Library). <br />Page 8 <br />
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