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boards and commissions; <br />• Deny persons with disabilities the opportunity to participate in services, programs, or <br />activities that are not separate or different from those offered others, even if the City <br />offers permissibly separate or different activities; and <br />• In determining the location of facilities, make selections that have the effect of <br />excluding or discriminating against persons with disabilities. <br />Title II of the ADA provides that public entities must identify and evaluate all programs, <br />activities, and services and review all policies, practices, and procedures that govern <br />administration of the entity's program's activities, and services. <br />The Transition Plan lists, prioritizes, and sets forth a schedule for the physical changes that must <br />be made in order to provide programmatic access to City programs, activities, and services, <br />when viewed in their entirely. This report, and certain documents incorporated by reference, <br />establishes the City's ADA Self Evaluation & Transition Plan Update. <br />Discrimination and Accessibility <br />There are two kinds of accessibility: <br />Program accessibility; and <br />Physical accessibility. <br />Absence of discrimination requires that both types of accessibility be provided. Programmatic <br />accessibility includes physical accessibility, but also entails all of the policies, practices, and <br />procedures that permit people with disabilities to participate in programs and to access <br />important information. <br />Physical accessibility requires that a facility be barrier -free. Barriers include any obstacles that <br />prevent or restrict the entrance to or use of a facility. Program accessibility requires that <br />individuals with disabilities be provided an equally effective opportunity to participate in or <br />benefit from a public entity's programs and services. Program accessibility may be achieved <br />by either structural or non - structural methods. Non - structural methods include acquisition or <br />redesign of equipment, assignment of aides to beneficiaries, and provision of services at <br />alternate sites. <br />Programs offered by the City to the public must be accessible. Accessibility includes <br />advertisement, orientation, eligibility, participation, testing or evaluation, physical access, <br />provision of auxiliary aids, transportation, policies, and communication. <br />The City may achieve program accessibility by a number of methods: <br />• Structural methods such as altering an existing facility; <br />• Acquisition or redesign of equipment; <br />Page 3 <br />