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SAN �E <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />f R RAORB <br />NEGATIVE DECLARATION <br />Notice is hereby given that the City of San Leandro finds that no significant effect on the <br />environment as prescribed by the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended will <br />occur for the following proposed project: <br />I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br />Zoning Amendments Pertaining to Miscellaneous Changes to the NA -2, 'SA -2, DA- <br />3, DA -5, IL, IG, and IP Zoning Districts related to Assembly Uses, Commercial <br />Recreation, Cultural Institutions and Entertainment Activities. <br />The City of San Leandro performs periodic reviews of the Zoning Code and has determined <br />that some revisions and updates are recommended as to Assembly Uses, Commercial <br />Recreation, Cultural Institutions and Entertainment Activities in several commercial zones <br />(NA -2, SA -2, DA -3 and DA -5) and the industrial zones (IL, IG and IP). Assembly Uses <br />will be added to these Commercial Districts which have a residential component, Cultural <br />Institutions will be added as Conditionally Permitted in the DA -3 District, and Commercial <br />Recreation and Entertainment Activities will be removed from the Industrial Districts, as <br />Conditionally Permitted Uses. <br />II. DECLARATION THAT PROJECT WILL NOT SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT <br />ENVIRONMENT: <br />The Community Development Director finds, based on the initial study, that the proposed <br />ordinances as described above will not have a significant effect on the environment and <br />therefore do not require an environmental impact report. <br />II. FINDINGS SUPPORTING DECLARATION: <br />A. The proposed project has been reviewed according to the standards and requirements of <br />the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and an Initial Study Environmental <br />Evaluation Checklist has been prepared with a determination that the project will not <br />have a significant impact on the environment. This ordinance amendment will not create <br />any new structures or result in any new physical improvements in the city. <br />III. P N W O PREPARED INITML STUDY: <br />thleen Livermore, Senior Planner <br />Dated: 0�� _71 <br />IV. REVIEW PERIOD: <br />