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File Number: 12 -123 <br />environmental constraints of the area. The CAC participated in a visioning process to create <br />a shared vision for the area which included amenities such as a hotel and conference center <br />with banquet facilities, full- service quality restaurants, small restaurants and a cafe, retail, <br />open space for public events, professional offices, multi - family residential housing, a museum/ <br />interpretive center, boat and kayak rentals. <br />After evaluation of numerous discussion plans, in June 2010, the CAC reached consensus on <br />a plan for the land -side development. <br />In order to determine positioning of the buildings and amenities and to proceed with the <br />project, Cal -Coast requested information from the City Council regarding the future of the <br />harbor basin. To assist the City Council in determining additional options for the harbor basin, <br />a consultant was retained to develop three alternatives which retain aquatic recreational <br />opportunities, coordinate with existing and potential land -side uses and establish equilibrium <br />with the natural sedimentation process. <br />The City Council requested CAC input on the two preferred harbor basin alternatives: the <br />creation of a Marina Park which retained limited boating activity; and the creation of an <br />Aquatic Park which emphasized hand - powered watercraft. Cal -Coast performed a financial <br />feasibility study of the two alternatives to evaluate if revenue generated from the land -side <br />development could support the initial capital costs and on -going maintenance costs of the two <br />alternatives. It was found that the Marina Park alternative would result in a net cost to the City <br />of approximately $11.1 million over 20 years and that the Aquatic Park alternative would result <br />in a net gain to the City of approximately $6.85 million over 20 years. <br />At their July 20, 2011 meeting, the CAC voted to support Discussion Plan 8 for the land -side <br />development at the Shoreline and that the City maintain the boat harbor for as long as <br />feasible, then move to the Aquatic Park alternative should additional revenue not be identified. <br />Discussion Plan 8 and the Aquatic Park alternative have been renamed the Conceptual <br />Master Plan for the Shoreline area and are included as Exhibit B in the ENRA before the City <br />Council this evening. <br />Analysis <br />A new ENRA is proposed to incorporate the Conceptual Master Plan as the blueprint for the <br />shoreline development project and to address specifics regarding responsibilities, phasing, <br />and fees. The ENRA before you for consideration includes the following provisions: <br />General: <br />A three year term with the ability to extend twice for an additional 18 months for a total <br />of up to six years. <br />City to retain ownership of the site. <br />Requirement that the project be fiscally neutral with respect to the City's General Fund. <br />No deposit is required in recognition of the expenses incurred to date by Cal- Coast. <br />• Project description, including the approximate size of the various buildings and uses <br />and phasing of the features to ensure that residential units cannot be occupied until the <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 312712012 <br />