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File Number: 12 -123 <br />permits, and financing commitments) and the project is found to be financially feasible and <br />consistent with the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit B), and a ground lease is not executed or <br />the City decides to close or not approve redevelopment of the boat harbor. The estimated <br />cost is currently unknown, however, the EIR costs will be based on the consultant's proposal <br />and the EIR consultant service agreement will need to be approved by the City Council. <br />Cal -Coast will be required to submit quarterly reports to the City on design, engineering and <br />permitting costs related to the redevelopment of the boat harbor. <br />The impact of the development on the City's General Fund revenue and expenditures will be <br />analyzed in the future and presented to the City Council. <br />Budget Authority <br />No change to the FY 2011 -12 budget is recommended. $25,000 is recommended to be <br />budgeted in FY 2012 -13; $50,000 in FY 2013 -14; and $50,000 in FY 2014 -15 for legal and <br />consulting costs related to the negotiation of the ground lease agreement. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />None <br />PREPARED BY: Cynthia Battenberg, Business Development Manager, Community <br />Development Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 6 Printed on 312712012 <br />