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3B Public Hearing 2012 0416
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Packet 2012 0416
3B Public Hearing 2012 0416
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4/10/2012 4:41:18 PM
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Cooperate and partner with StopWaste.Org and the local school district to monitor and expand diversion <br />efforts within and partnerships with the schools (at a minimum, city will verify through site visits whether <br />or not the local school district is in compliance with the StopWaste.Org School District partnership <br />requirements - i.e. that there is a recycling bin in every classroom, and the school district has the <br />appropriate collection arrangements in place for recyclables from the school sites). Random classroom <br />inspections at 20% of the district classrooms will be deemed sufficient to verify compliance. <br />• Adopt an acceptable Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) policy for public purchases that <br />requires, at a minimum, annual reporting to the elected council or board of the jurisdiction on <br />implementation of and compliance with the policy. <br />• Adopt the Green Halo compliance tracking system to assist in the implementation of C &D Ordinance <br />(would not apply to sanitary districts), including any necessary changes to fee schedules and /or permit <br />processes to ensure that permit holders input waste management data into the Green Halo system. (City <br />may assess a service fee for staff to input waste management data into system for permit holders not <br />willing or able to utilize Green Halo system). <br />• For commercial building renovations, require compliance with StopWaste.Org's small commercial <br />checklist (would not apply to sanitary districts). <br />• For private construction projects, require third party Green Building certification for projects over <br />specified threshold (would not apply to sanitary districts). Verification may be by a municipal employee <br />or contractor if that person is a certified GreenPoint Rater, provided the project is officially certified as <br />GreenPoint Rated or LEED. <br />• For private sector landscape construction, require a third party Bay - Friendly Rated Landscape certificate <br />for projects over specified thresholds (would not apply to sanitary districts). Verification may be by a a <br />municipal employee or contractor if that person is a qualified Bay - Friendly Landscape Rater, provided <br />that the project is officially certified as a Bay - Friendly Rated Landscape. It is highly recommended that <br />mandatory compliance is phased in. <br />• Enhanced participation in the "Ready, Set, Recycle" Contest. "Enhanced participation" is defined as <br />distributing and posting Contest flyers, posters and other promotional materials in public spaces such as <br />city offices and libraries; promoting the Contest via established member agency/hauler communications <br />venues such as garbage bill inserts, electronic and /or print newsletters, and websites; promoting the <br />Contest at established member agency public events such as Earth Day fairs, parades, etc.; making city <br />staff available for media interviews as needed; and recognizing Contest "winners" in sanctioned city <br />venues such as council meetings and/or other public events. <br />Additionally, the WMA Board directed staff to work with member agencies to bring forward proposals <br />for other revenue sharing systems that provide at least this level of support to member agencies, funded <br />by specific new fees or rate changes. Such proposals may involve advanced disposal fee and franchise <br />task force recommendations. <br />Attachment A: Import Mitigation Funding Allocation Schedule for FY 11/12 <br />Attachment B: Bay Friendly "Basics" <br />
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