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addition to the $50,000 that BFWC already received back in FY 2008 for the same shelter. <br />Furthermore, $31,319 of CDBG funds will be used for the installation of wheelchair accessible <br />sidewalks and curbs throughout the City to bring them into ADA compliance. <br />For Housing Activities, staff recommends providing the remaining $90,000 of CDBG funds to <br />replace the lost Redevelopment Agency Housing Set -Aside funds that historically funded the <br />City's Single - Family Housing Rehabilitation Program, which provided loans and grants for <br />major and minor repairs to low- and very low - income homeowners. The $90,000 from CDBG <br />reflects a significant cut to the Housing Rehabilitation Program, which was funded in recent <br />years at $600,000 from Housing Set - Aside. The CDBG funds will enable the program to remain <br />but only as a minor repair grant program. The City plans on supplementing these CDBG funds <br />with $55,000 from the post -RDA tax revenue the City is projected to receive for a total budget of <br />$145,000 for the grant program. <br />The City, in addition, will receive Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) funds in the <br />amount of $141,817 from HUD via the Alameda County HOME Consortium. This is a 51% <br />reduction from last year's allocation amount of $289,894. Alameda County is the lead <br />administrator for HOME funds under the County HOME Consortium. The City will also carry <br />over $770,463 in HOME funds from previous years. The City proposes to use its HOME funds <br />in FY 2012 -2013 for potential acquisition, rehabilitation, and /or new construction of affordable <br />rental housing and for tenant -based rental assistance for low- income households. <br />Final Action Plan — FY 2012 -2013 <br />City ofSan Leandro <br />Page 4 <br />