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City Council Minutes - Draft April 2, 2012 <br />9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br />None. <br />10. ACTION ITEMS <br />10.A. 12 -002 Staff Report for Accepting the Work for the Par Course Improvements (WW), Project <br />No. 11- 150 -38 -322 <br />12 -005 ADOPT: Resolution Accepting the Work for the Par Course Improvements (WW) <br />Project No. 11- 150 -38 -322 (recommends acceptance of the contract work completed <br />by Blossom Valley Construction including replacement of the one mile pathway and <br />exercise equipment, filing of the Notice of Completion, and releasing the <br />Maintenance Bond) <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Starosciak, seconded by <br />Councilmember Prola, that this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by <br />the following vote. <br />Aye: 7 - Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza, Starosciak <br />Enactment No: Reso 2012 -028 <br />10.13. 12 -123 Staff Report for an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement by and Between <br />Cal -Coast Companies LLC and the City of San Leandro Relating to Development of <br />the Shoreline Consistent with the Conceptual Master Plan <br />12 -142 ADOPT: Resolution Approving An Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement by and <br />between Cal -Coast Companies LLC and the City of San Leandro Relating to <br />Development of the Shoreline Consistent with the Conceptual Master Plan (approves <br />a new agreement with the Shoreline master developer the City has been working <br />with since 2008 to continue work to develop approximately 52 -acres of publicly <br />owned land based on a vision created and recommended by the Shoreline <br />Development Citizens Advisory Committee. Legal and consulting costs associated <br />with the negotiation of the future ground lease agreement estimated to be $125,000 <br />over three years funded by the Shoreline Enterprise Fund.) <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Souza, seconded by Councilmember <br />Cutter, that this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following <br />vote. <br />Aye: 7 - Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza, Starosciak <br />Enactment No: Reso 2012 -029 <br />10.C. 12 -153 Staff Report for Resolution of Intent to Provide Two Years Additional Service Credit <br />as an Incentive to Identified Classifications to Retire <br />12 -154 ADOPT: Resolution of Intent to Provide Two Years Additional Service Credit as an <br />Incentive to Identified Classifications to Retire (adds a designated period of April 3, <br />2012 through July 2, 2012 for an early retirement incentive for specified job <br />classifications in the Community Development Department) <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Reed, seconded by Councilmember <br />Prola, that this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following <br />vote. <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 <br />