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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2012 0313
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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2012 0313
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4/10/2012 4:46:13 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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File Number: 12-150 <br />Project <br />Nick Thom gave a brief presentation on the BART - San Leandro Boulevard Pedestrian <br />Interface project. He presented a drawing of the project showing the sidewalk <br />widening, crosswalks, new traffic signals, driveways and selected trees. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked if parking issues have been discussed. Uche <br />Udemezue stated that no decision has been made regarding on -street parking, but <br />staff will discuss over the next couple of months restrictions and metering stations. City <br />Manager Chris Zapata asked how much is budgeted for the project. Nick stated that <br />the budget is $6.2 million, with $4.6 million in Grant funds. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Undergrounding Master Plan / East 14th Street <br />Undergrounding Project <br />Austine Osakwe gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Undergrounding Master <br />Plan / East 14th Street Undergrounding project. He gave a brief history of the project <br />and discussed the administration of the master plan, funding sources and criteria of the <br />project. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. <br />Councilmember Starosciak asked who directs Comcast to do the undergrounding. <br />Keith Cooke stated that the City notifies PG&E that the City is ready to go ahead with <br />the undergrounding. PG&E takes the lead in the undergrounding, and Comcast follows <br />suit. Councilmember Cutter asked who decides that undergrounding is going to take <br />place. Uche Udemezue stated that the City decides, has a discussion with all of the <br />utility companies regarding who is going to take the lead on the project, and then goes <br />to the City Council. <br />3. Discussion Regarding AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project <br />Keith Cooke gave a brief presentation regarding the AC Transit BRT project. He stated <br />that the March 1, 2012 neighborhood meeting had about 50 attendees. Written <br />comments were received and varied. Some suggested not extending the route to the <br />southern City limits, others mentioned parking impacts, others discussed problems with <br />delivery trucks, and others supported the project. Final comments are due from staff to <br />AC Transit by March 19, 2012. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. <br />Councilmember Cutter stated that one of the reasons for doing the BRT was having <br />islands in the middle and beautification of the City, but found out from the meeting that <br />those things are no longer included in the project. She asked what the benefit would <br />be of having a dedicated lane. Uche explained that the project is a regional benefit to <br />BRT as a total package. Staff is looking at the long term benefit to San Leandro. In <br />order for the City to be considered a fully participating partner in BRT ideally there <br />would be some sections of dedicated lanes in the city limits for San Leandro. With the <br />dedicated lanes it would be easier to go after funding to extend BRT if the City desires <br />to later. Councilmember Cutter stated that she is concerned for the older residents in <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 4/10/2012 <br />
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