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4/4/2012 <br />Measure Z Revenue <br />($0.25 Transaction and Use Tax) <br />• Passed in November 2010 <br />• Effective April 1, 2011 for 7 years <br />• Provides for local control <br />• Limited to retail sales, does not impact food, medicines, rent, <br />mortgages, or utilities <br />• 25% paid by visitors to San Leandro <br />• As of March 31, 2013, 5 -years remaining to plan <br />• Allows for economy to recover and revenue to rebound <br />• Calls for Citizens' Oversight Committee <br />Impacts If Measure Z Was Not Approved By Voters <br />• Layoffs: <br />• 10 positions eliminated <br />• Police reductions such as Crime Prevention Officer, <br />2 Traffic Officers, and School Resource Officer <br />• Fire Ladder Truck eliminated (9 firefighters) <br />• Critical service cuts: <br />• Neighborhood police patrols and Gang suppression <br />• Increased response time to 9 -1 -1 emergency calls <br />• Close branches, reduced library programs for <br />children, adults and families <br />io <br />5 <br />