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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />B. Street Trees <br />1. Street Trees Required Street trees with spacing not to exceed thirty <br />(30) feet and of minimum fifteen (15) gallon size shall be provided <br />along any public street frontage. Such trees shall be a deciduous <br />species that will provide canopy shade cover at maturity or alternate <br />species type as approved with the conceptual or final landscape plan. <br />Credit may be given for existing city street trees, where applicable. <br />New trees may be placed in the City right -of -way in conjunction with <br />new sidewalk improvements and subject to the approval of the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official and City Engineer. <br />C. Design Standards for Parking Lots <br />1. Requirements for Perimeter Planting <br />a. Perimeter Landscaping Required for All Parking Lots. In addition to <br />the requirements for minimum landscaped front and corner side <br />yards prescribed for in the applicable R, C, and I Zoning Districts, <br />and notwithstanding the zero (0) foot setback requirement for side <br />or rear yards in the C and I Districts, a landscaped area of not less <br />than five (5) feet wide, measured from inside of curb, shall be <br />provided adjacent to any interior property line. <br />b. Required Screening of Parking Lot from Street. Along street <br />frontages, screening to a height of thirty (30) inches shall be <br />provided by use of continuous shrub plantings, berms, and /or <br />architectural walls. <br />2. Requirements for Interior Landscaped Areas <br />a. Minimum Width of Interior Landscaped Areas Interior landscaped <br />areas, or tree wells, shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in width, <br />measured from inside of curb to inside of curb, or as required by <br />Subsection CA below. <br />b. Separation of Parking Rows from Driveways The end of each row <br />of parking stalls shall be separated from driveways by a landscaped <br />area, sidewalk, or other means approved by the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official. <br />AR.19 <br />Page 10 of 20 <br />