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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />B. Requirements for Large Landscape Projects <br />Development applications that include new or rehabilitated commercial, <br />industrial or developer - installed residential landscapes that exceed two <br />thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet or residential landscapes that <br />exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet shall submit a "Landscape <br />Documentation Package" that shall include (1) project information, (2) <br />landscape design plan, (3) irrigation design plan, (4) water management <br />plan, (5) soil management report, and (6) grading design plan. This <br />requirement shall not apply to historic landscapes. <br />1. Project information submitted in an applicant's Landscape <br />Documentation Package shall include: <br />a. Name of applicant; <br />b. Street address of site or Assessor's Parcel Number; <br />c. Total area to be landscaped (square feet); <br />d. Project type (e.g. new, rehabilitated, public, private, home -owner <br />installed); <br />e. Water supply type (e.g. potable, recycled, non - potable) and <br />name of water provider; <br />f. Checklist of all documents in the Landscape Documentation <br />Package; <br />g. Contact information for the project applicant and property owner; <br />h. Applicant signature and date. <br />2. Landscape Design Plan submitted in an applicant's Landscape <br />Documentation Package shall: <br />a. Identify a plant pallet and list quantity, size and locations of <br />proposed plantings; <br />b. Delineate and label each hydrozone and identify each <br />hydrozone as low, moderate, high water, or mixed water use. <br />Temporarily irrigated areas of the landscape shall be included <br />in the low water use hydrozone for the water budget <br />calculation; <br />C. Identify recreational areas; <br />d. Identify areas permanently and solely dedicated to edible <br />plants; <br />e. Identify areas irrigated with recycled water; <br />f. Identify type of mulch and application depth (application depth <br />must comply with design standards in this article); <br />g. Identify soil amendments, type, and quantity; <br />h. Identify type and surface area of water features; <br />i. Identify storm water retention and infiltration areas; <br />AR.19 <br />Page 3 of 20 <br />