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Exhibit A — 575 Marina Blvd. APN 75- 87 -4 -16 <br />THE LAND Rill TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, COUNTY OF <br />ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND IS DESCRIBED AS MUMS: <br />Parcel One; <br />A portion of Lhat r6al property described In that certain Lot Line Adjustment for Assessor's Parcel {775-0087 - <br />004 -012 ands p(irtion of 075 - 0087 - 004 -011 filed July 31, 2002 as Series No- 2002 - 325561; and Assessoes <br />Parcel 075 - 0087 - 001 -05 filed as Document No. 2401 - 125153 of Alameda County Records, further described as <br />fol lows. <br />Cleg'nnireg at the rr4ckgt Westerly corner of above said Assessor's Parcel 075 -0087- 007 -05, being a point on the <br />Intersection of Southeasterly line of Marina Boulevard, right of way and Northeasterly line of the Southern <br />Pa -cific Railroad right of way; theace along said Southeasterly line the following courses; North 60$ 04' 41" <br />East, 141.22 feet; thence North 63° 2V 38"' East 59.46 feet; thence leaui rig said Easterly line 'South 275F36' <br />East, 58,61 feet; thence South 47 32' 56" East, 309.64 feet; thence South 42° 11' 32" Westr 18.41 feet; <br />thence youth 48 45' 47" East, 191.44 feet; thence South 50' 13' 32" East, 506.84 feet; thence South 63° 17' <br />59" 'vest 312 -13 feet to the above said Northeasterly line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; thence <br />along the last said Northeasterly line the following courses: North 41* 15` 35" West, 1021.64 feet, to the point <br />of beginning, containing 236.642 square feet of 5.43 acres, more or less. <br />Ua0MOY1tiWjk;MV.I :I [:" <br />Parcel Two: <br />A non - exclusive casement for ingress and egress appurtenant 6₮i ParcA 1, hereinabove described, over the <br />fallowing described property: <br />A port m of that real property in that certain Lot Line Adjustment for Assessor's Parcel 075- 00187- 003 -(12, 075 <br />0087- 004-04 and 015 - 01087- 004-06 filed November 14, 2001 in Document 2001444276, Alameda County <br />Records, further described as follows: <br />Commencing at the most Northwesterly corner of Parcel B ,above as said Lot Line Adjustment, thence along <br />the Northeasterly right of way of "Marina Boulevard" North 63 20' 38" East, 13,43 feet to the true point of <br />beginning for this description; thence continuing along last said tight of way line North 63° 20' 3ll'r East, 93.98 <br />feet to the beginning of a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 50,00 fees. a radial line to said curve bears <br />North 57' 20' 22" West; thence along said curve Southwesterly and Southerly through a central angle of 59° <br />17 00 ", degrees an arc length of 51.76 feet; thence South 27 55' 3-6" East, 11.21 feet; thence South 47 32' <br />56" East 26.04 feet to the beginring cf a curve concave Northwesterly having a radius of '10-00 feet, a radial <br />line to said curve bears North 13° 19` 21" Vest, thence along said curve Easterly, Southerly and Westerly <br />through a central angle of 291° 32' 327' degrees an arc length of 203.53 feet; thence North 47 32' 59' West, <br />33.82 feet; thence North 27° 55' 36^ West, 19.99 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Southwesterly <br />having a radius of 50.00 feet, a radial line to said curve bears North 63 38" East, thence along said curve <br />Northerly and Northwesterly through a central angle-of 59 19' OCr' degrees an arc length of51.76feet to the <br />I)oint of hNianing. <br />Excepting therefrom that portion lying within the lines of Parcel Line, hereinabove described. <br />APN; 075- 0087 - 004 -16 <br />-s- <br />