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8N Consent 2012 0507
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Packet 2012 0507
8N Consent 2012 0507
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5/11/2012 4:16:03 PM
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5/1/2012 3:44:49 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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File Number: 12 -196 <br />and UPAs in the State of California must use the Internet to file by January 1, 2013. The legal <br />requirements for reporting derive from state law and regulations. (See Health & Safety Code, <br />Ch. 6.11, section 25404(e)(1) & (2) and California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 27, <br />Division 1, Subdivision 4, Chapter 1, section 15185(a), requiring the collection and submittal <br />of data defined in the CCR Title 27 Data Dictionary.) <br />The earliest electronic filers were able to start using the statewide internet -based system, <br />called the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS), in September of 2009. Based <br />on when a business' UPA is able to receive the data from the state system, the UPA will <br />determine when electronic reporting is mandatory locally and paper - filing is no longer an <br />option. After CERS is available and their UPA is fully electronic, businesses will use CERS to <br />enter and store their filing information and will no longer have to print Unified Program <br />information paper forms for filing with their UPAs. <br />To fund the costs of implementing electronic reporting statewide, the legislature temporarily <br />increased the state surcharge fee by $25 per year for three years; the annual state surcharge <br />thus increased from $24 per year to $49 per year for the past three years of state surcharge <br />fees collections. <br />Cal /EPA is redistributing 80% of the collected surcharge fees back to local UPAs via the <br />CERS Grant to enable the UPAs to purchase new equipment and software for CERS system <br />development, outreach and training, and technical support for UPAs to be able to accept the <br />information electronically. The grant is a reimbursement grant. UPAs will be reimbursed for <br />approved expenses incurred during the period of performance of the grant once the grant <br />application is approved. Up to 25% of the UPA's authorized grant amount may be provided in <br />advance once the UPA's grant application and Transition Plan have been accepted. The City <br />of San Leandro has been allocated $45,810 with $11,452.50 available in advance. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Current policy to maintain control of regulatory programs at the local level in lieu of those <br />programs being implemented by a county, state or federal agency allows for better strategic <br />planning and integration of the programs into the overall plan and development of the City. It <br />promotes stability, consistency and provides a local single point of contact within the <br />community. <br />Previous Actions <br />The City Council previously authorized the implementation of CUPA (Certified Unified <br />Program Agency) program and the formation of the Environmental Services Section <br />( "ESS ") to combine CUPA, Fire Code Hazardous Materials, Pretreatment, Stormwater <br />Commercial Inspection and illegal discharge, Pollution Prevention and Contaminated Site <br />Cleanup programs. <br />The City Council also authorized the execution of the APSA grant agreement to implement <br />the delegated CA Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act as part of the CUPA program as <br />mandated by state law. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 51112012 <br />
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