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File Number: 12 -196 <br />No direct impact but the information and technical resources maintained by having these <br />programs within a City department allows for direct communication and technical exchange <br />that would be more difficult if dealing with outside agencies. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />Cal /EPA has provided seven bulletins on their CERS website with information for both <br />affected regulated businesses and UPAs. The ESS has sent several CERS notification <br />mailings to affected regulated businesses within San Leandro including a mailing explaining <br />the original $25 increase in the state surcharge fee and how it relates to CERS. The ESS <br />continues to discuss upcoming CERS requirements during all inspections with business <br />managers and continues to send post- inspection CERS resources outreach. A CERS web <br />page, containing information about CERS and how to begin the process of online reporting, <br />has been added to the City web site. The ESS is also planning on future mailings for <br />scheduled county wide business training, as well as additional notifications as the deadline for <br />electronic reporting nears. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The Cal /EPA CERS grant will provide initial startup funding in the amount of $45,810.00 with <br />$11,452.50 (25% of grant allocation) available in advance, for unfunded mandate <br />reimbursement, to implement an electronic data management system and UPA electronic <br />reporting. In future annual regulated business billings, starting in January 2013, the additional <br />$25 state surcharge fee will no longer be collected. Future funding for maintenance and <br />operation of the system, would be developed by staff as a component of the single fee CUPA <br />invoicing with City Council approval of component fees. The future funding is anticipated to <br />commence in FY 2012 -13. This allows staff adequate analysis time to integrate program <br />costs into the overall CUPA single fee collection process. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />None. <br />PREPARED BY: John Camp, Environmental Services Supervisor, Public Works Department <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 51112012 <br />