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8N Consent 2012 0507
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Packet 2012 0507
8N Consent 2012 0507
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City of San Leandro Environmental Services Section <br />Electronic Reporting Grant Agreement No. G10- UPA -82 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />SPECIAL AND GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />A. SPECIAL PROVISIONS <br />1. AMENDMENTS: No amendment or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in <br />writing, signed by the parties and approved as required. No oral understanding or agreement not <br />incorporated in the Agreement is binding on any of the parties. <br />2. WAIVERS: Any term, provision, condition, or commitment of this Agreement may be waived at the discretion <br />of Cal /EPA. All waivers shall be documented in writing. <br />3. DISPUTES: The Grantee shall continue with the responsibilities under this Agreement during any dispute. <br />Any dispute arising under this Agreement which is not otherwise disposed of by agreement shall be decided <br />by the Cal /EPA Assistant Secretary for Local Programs or an authorized representative. The decision shall <br />be in writing and a copy thereof furnished to the Representatives of this Agreement. The decision of the <br />Assistant Secretary shall be final and conclusive unless, within thirty (30) calendar days after mailing of the <br />decision to the Grantee, the Grantee furnishes a written appeal of the decision to the Secretary for <br />Environmental Protection, with carbon copies furnished to the Cal /EPA Assistant Secretary for Local <br />Programs and the Cal /EPA Grant Manager. The decision of the Secretary shall be final and conclusive <br />unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been fraudulent, or capricious, or arbitrary, or <br />so grossly erroneous as necessarily to imply bad faith, or not supported by substantial evidence. In <br />connection with any appeal under this clause, the Grantee shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to <br />offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute hereunder, the Grantee shall <br />continue to fulfill and comply with all the terms, provisions, commitments, and requirements of this <br />Agreement. This clause does not preclude consideration of legal questions, provided that nothing herein shall <br />be construed to make final the decision of the Cal /EPA Assistant Secretary for Local Programs or the <br />Secretary, on any question of law. <br />4. FISCAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND ACCOUNTING STANDARDS: The Grantee agrees that, at a <br />minimum, its fiscal control and accounting procedures will be sufficient to permit tracing of grant funds to a <br />level of expenditure adequate to establish that such funds have not been used in violation of state law or this <br />Agreement. The Grantee further agrees that it will maintain financial accounts in accordance with generally <br />accepted accounting principles. Without limitation of the requirement to maintain financial management <br />systems and accounting standards in accordance with generally accepted fiscal and accounting principles, <br />the Grantee agrees to: <br />a. Establish a financial account(s) and accounting system(s) that will adequately and accurately depict <br />all Electronic Reporting Grant amounts received and expended during the term of this Agreement, <br />including but not limited to: <br />i. All Electronic Reporting implementation expenditures; and <br />ii. Running balance of grant allocations and expenditures. <br />5. RECORDS MANAGEMENT: Maintain all documentation and financial records, as may be necessary, for the <br />state to fulfill federal reporting requirements, including any and all reporting requirements under federal tax <br />statutes or regulations. Establish an official file for the allocation that shall adequately document all significant <br />activities and actions relative to the Implementation of the Electronic Reporting Implementation, including but <br />not limited to: <br />a. Fiscal accounting; <br />b. Electronic Reporting Implementation Status Reports; and, <br />c. Grant Disbursement Requests and supporting documentation. <br />6. TIMELINESS: Time is of the essence in this Agreement. The Grantee shall proceed with Electronic Reporting <br />implementation in an expeditious manner. The Grantee shall prepare and submit all required reports and <br />Grant Disbursement Request Forms as stipulated in this Agreement. <br />
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