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DECLARATION OF NO -BUILD EASEMENT <br /> This Declaration of No -Build Easement is entered into this day of A-14900 5 , 2011, by the <br /> City of San Leandro hereinafter referred to as "Declarant ". <br /> Whereas Declarant is the owner of the certain real property situated in the City of San Leandro, <br /> Alameda County, California, commonly known as 3000 Davis Street (A.P.N. 077A 0649 003 <br /> 03), Described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property "; <br /> Whereas the City of San Leandro, as governing Agency, has required itself to enter into this <br /> Declaration as part of the conditions of approval for the issuance of a building permit for the <br /> rehabilitation of 3000 Davis Street, known as the "Water Pollution Control Plant ", Project No. <br /> 08- 593 -52 -239 (A.P.N. 077A 0649 003 03). <br /> Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the limitations and covenants hereinafter set forth, the <br /> Declarant agrees and declares as follows: <br /> 1) No -Build Easement. A No -Build Easement of varying width to be kept free and clear <br /> of all buildings shall be established and maintained at all times across that certain strip of land <br /> described and depicted on Parcel Map 10036 reproduced in Exhibit "B" for reference and <br /> attached hereto. The No -Build Easement shall not be modified or removed without the prior <br /> approval of the Chief Building Official of the City of San Leandro. <br /> 2) Term. This Easement shall continue in full force and effect and shall bind all parties <br /> having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in the Subject Property, and shall apply to and bind <br /> the heirs assignees and successors in right, title, or interest thereof, until termination or amended <br /> as provided herein. <br /> 3) Termination of Amendment. This Easement may be terminated or amended only with <br /> the consent of the Chief Building Official of the City of San Leandro. No such termination of <br /> amendment shall be effective until a proper instrument in writing has been executed by both the <br /> owners of the Subject Property and the City of San Leandro and recorded in the office of the <br /> County Recorder of Alameda County. <br />