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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />primarily includes plants that are adapted to soils with little or <br />no organic matter as documented by a published plant <br />reference. If imported or site soil meets the organic content of <br />3.5 percent, the compost requirement is waived. <br />22. All plans shall specify that fifty (50) percent of landscape <br />construction and demolition waste by weight must be diverted <br />from the landfill. <br />E. Recommended Design Standards. <br />It is recommended that all landscape projects: <br />1. Protect and preserve existing native vegetation and use local natural <br />plant communities as models; <br />A <br />n_ <br />2 D ini I nnntO o o�c .d- A-Se °G I`-I8R ed bpi (;AL _ a s- <br />z�T�v�a- rtvrrnu ���c v- ��r th <br />rcr �c cr <br />i VaGiVe in 4ba SaR I_rar1GIGG9 Rani Fee; <br />3. Select water - conserving plant and turf species that are suitable for <br />the climate and soil conditions in San Leandro; <br />4. Select plants based on disease and pest resistance; <br />5. Use the Sunset Western Climate Zone System to select plants, which <br />takes into account temperature, humidity, elevation, terrain, latitude, <br />and varying degrees of continental and marine influence on local <br />climate; <br />., M @t6lF8 P G <br />+ + <br />in n - r _-- _lV +� sv �� I�riTa�Fvvi�te MORM. r.0-7 damage to PreP —e-P <br />... TQ.�rtFtFF. ttFl�� . . , b G G 7 P e WeF I i R e 1� " te - All 4 nP <br />theM to gFe�te t#e+r�tt-r�s+�e�av+� <br />t#Ithe SpaGe lIA- tt cc`�-r + ht - 4G <br />�inii^I rin piRg and n Z noRtiAA fnr <br />ea cen e� se ,� -Ar - o,� <br />rT��,a„ <br />j laarRtplaEeMeRt to !Tla i i mrmrrerr_,h_Ad_o r, I Se i iT; <br />7. Avoid turf on slopes greater than ten (10) percent where the toe of <br />the slope is adjacent to an impermeable hardscape and avoid turf in <br />street medians, traffic islands or bulbouts of any size unless irrigated <br />with subsurface or low volume irrigation; <br />8. Grade so that all irrigation and normal rainfall remains within property <br />lines and does not drain on to non - permeable hardscapes; <br />9. Avoid disruption of natural drainage patterns and undisturbed soil; <br />10. Avoid soil Y compaction in land areas; <br />11 . A vvettte� �tl�r t'.YeRt i_fni it (24) inGheS of aRY nnn_ <br />P� - i <br />eable srf -Ano / „ <br />12. GFe 1p r,laRtS OR h�eZ eReG aGGerrd t , a t t - 9F R d app r P lace trees <br />on separate valves from shrubs, groundcovers, and turf; <br />13. Use automatic irrigation controllers that GaR SeaSe ally a dj ,S+ Wa t e r <br />scMed- HI a allow for multiple start times; <br />14. Set irrigation controls to water before 10am or after 8pm; <br />AR.19 <br />Page 14 of 20 <br />