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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />15. Space sprinkler heads to achieve a uniform precipitation rate with no <br />overspray onto hardscapes; <br />16. Use dedicated landscape water meters on landscape areas smaller <br />than 5,000 square feet to facilitate water management; <br />17. Install high -flow sensors (flow meters) that detect and report high flow <br />conditions created by system damage or malfunction; <br />18. Install manual shut -off valves (such as a gate valve, ball valve, or <br />butterfly valve) as close as possible to the point of connection of the <br />water supply, to minimize water loss in case of an emergency (such <br />as a main line break) or routine repair; <br />19. Use low volume irrigation to maximize water infiltration into the root <br />�(''� <br />zone 2 T <br />e iin mulched c 1+d planting areas <br />z�-0 c <br />. � S G T GlFfa GG iFFig@tiG in A w eF !FFGg Y sha ped @FeaT <br />in idlinrr t f i F 1866 than eight (8) fee+ in 'A'idl +h in �n i dlirer +inn• <br />m uiTrcvv �rr��rrcn3rTC � rri a�v cccrvrr <br />21. Incorporate rain harvesting or catchment technologies such as <br />cisterns for storage and use of rainwater to satisfy a percentage of <br />the landscape irrigation requirements; and <br />22. Incorporate stormwater best management practices to minimize <br />runoff and to increase on -site retention and infiltration are <br />encouraged. Examples include: <br />a. Rain gardens, infiltration beds, swales and basins that allow <br />water to collect and soak into the ground <br />b. Constructed wetlands and retention ponds that retain water, <br />handle excess flow and filter pollutants; and <br />C. Pervious or porous surfaces (e.g., permeable pavers or <br />blocks, pervious or porous concrete, etc.) that minimize <br />runoff. <br />F. Exceptions to Design Standards <br />As part of the "Site Plan Approval' pursuant to Article 25, exceptions to the <br />requirements of this Section may be permitted if such requirements are <br />found not to be practical due to pre- existing site constraints. <br />4 -1910 Acceptable Materials and Performance Standards <br />A. Minimum Required Landscape Areas Shall be Planted The sole use of <br />crushed rock or gravel for large landscaped areas is prohibited (except for <br />walks and drainage swales). <br />B. Minimum Plant Sizes and Species Type Plant materials shall be sized and <br />spaced to achieve immediate effect. Select species and space plants to <br />allow them to grow to their natural size and shape. Plants located in <br />AR.19 <br />Page 15 of 20 <br />