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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />a row or adjacent to buildings, sidewalks, or roads will be spaced <br />between their minimum and maximum mature plant spread, <br />according to a published reference plant book. Plant Materials aPA <br />shall not be normally less than a fifteen (15) gallon container for trees, five <br />(5) gallon container for shrubs, and a one (1) gallon container for accent <br />plantings. The Zoning Enforcement Official may approve smaller or require <br />larger initial planting size to achieve specific effects. <br />C. Mulching is Required "I,�- _Areas 66I ^Gh-as shrl-1-h bi-Q. s All soil on site <br />shall be top dressed with medium decorative bark chip mulch to a depth of <br />three (3) inches, or an approved alternative. Ongoing maintenance includes <br />regular reapplication of mulch to a minimum of three (3) inches. It is highly <br />recommended that compost and mulch is recycled from local organic <br />materials such as plant or wood waste and compost is purchased from <br />processors who participate in the US Composting Council's Standard <br />Testing Assurance Program. <br />D. Performance Standards for Plant Material <br />1. Ground cover plantings shall substantially fill the intended landscape <br />area within two (2) years of planting. <br />2. Shrub plantings, where used to screen parking lots, shall reach a <br />minimum height of thirty (30) inches within two (2) years of planting. <br />E. Staking Requirements All trees shall be double staked. <br />F. Hydro - seeding Plans indicating location and type of hydro- seeding shall be <br />submitted with the final landscape plan when such planting is to be utilized <br />for permanent landscape treatment or for natural area restoration. Hydro - <br />seeding plans shall contain installation specifications including, but not <br />limited to: <br />1. Seed mix and application rate. A native seed mix containing a <br />minimum of ten percent (10 %) shrub and perennial seeds shall be <br />utilized in areas where permanent landscape restoration is required. <br />Species selected shall include plant materials native to the area. <br />2. Fertilizer, mulch materials, soil preparation, and watering specifications. <br />AR.19 <br />Page 16 of 20 <br />