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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />controllers using current reference evapotranspiration data (e.g., <br />CIMIS) or soil moisture sensor data. <br />4. Parameters used to set the automatic controller shall be developed <br />and submitted for each of the following: <br />a. The plant establishment period; <br />b. The established landscape; and <br />C. Temporarily irrigated areas. <br />5. Each irrigation schedule shall consider for each station all of the <br />following that apply: <br />a. irrigation interval (days between irrigation); <br />b. irrigation run times (hours or minutes per irrigation event to <br />avoid runoff); <br />C. number of cycle starts required for each irrigation event to avoid <br />runoff; <br />d. amount of applied water scheduled to be applied on a monthly <br />basis; <br />e. application rate setting; <br />f. root depth setting; <br />g. plant type setting; <br />h. soil type and mulch depth; <br />i. slope factor setting; <br />j. shade factor setting; and <br />k. irrigation uniformity or efficiency setting. <br />D. Landscaping Shall be Permanently Maintained Required landscaped areas <br />shall be permanently maintained to preserve plant heath, water use <br />efficiency and consistency with the design at time of completion and City's <br />final inspection. As used in this Section, "maintained" includes: watering, <br />weeding, pruning, insect and disease control, and replacement of plant <br />materials and irrigation equipment as needed to preserve the health and <br />appearance of plant materials. <br />1. Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance Schedule. Landscapes shall be <br />maintained to ensure water use efficiency. A regular maintenance <br />schedule shall be submitted with the Certificate of Completion. <br />a. A regular maintenance schedule shall include, but not be limited to, <br />routine inspection; adjustment and repair of the irrigation system <br />and its components; aerating and dethatching turf areas; <br />replenishing mulch; fertilizing; pruning; weeding in all landscape <br />areas, and removing and obstruction to emission devices. <br />Operation of the irrigation system outside the normal watering <br />window is allowed for auditing and system maintenance. <br />AR.19 <br />Page 18 of 20 <br />