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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />b. Repair of all irrigation equipment shall be done with the originally <br />installed components or their equivalents. <br />c. Use of the "Bay- Friendly Landscape Model Maintenance <br />Specifications" and the "Bay- Friendly Landscape Guidelines" as an <br />official reference documents in the landscape maintenance contract <br />and /or with on -site landscape staff is highly recommended. It is <br />highly recommended that at least one landscaping staff member or <br />contractor to be trained in the use of IPM or is a "Bay- Friendly <br />Qualified Landscape Professional." <br />2 Failure to Maintain Landscaping is a Violation of this Code The failure <br />to maintain a landscape installation that is governed by the Article may <br />be cited as a violation of this Code, pursuant to Section 5 -2908. <br />Examples of failed maintenance include, but are not limited to: <br />a. Allowing a significant amount of trees, shrubs, ground covers, <br />and /or turf areas to die, or become so diseased, and /or stressed as <br />to make the property appear unsightly. <br />b. Improperly pruning trees, so that their natural form is negated. <br />Examples include the severe topping or pollarding of trees that <br />were planted or retained to provide a shade canopy, or "pruning <br />up," or excessively "thinning" trees that were required for screening. <br />c. Allowing weeds to grow and infiltrate to such an extent that the <br />intended ground cover plantings are obscured, and /or the <br />landscaped area appears unsightly. <br />3. Changes to Previously Approved Plans Require City Approval The <br />removal and /or replacement of trees that were a part of an earlier <br />approval by a Site Plan Review, Use Permit, and /or Planned <br />Development may require an amendment to that earlier approval as <br />determined by the Zoning Enforcement Official. Removal of such trees <br />without prior City approval of an amendment is prohibited and may be <br />subject to enforcement pursuant to Section 5 -2908. Minor changes do <br />not require approval of an amendment and are subject to the approval <br />of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />4 -1914 Existing Landscapes <br />A. Water Waste Prevention: To prevent water waste resulting from inefficient <br />landscape irrigation, applied water shall not leave the target landscape <br />(runoff) due to overspray, or any other similar conditions that causes water <br />AR.19 <br />Page 19 of 20 <br />