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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br />TITLE 6, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2013 Adopted FEES <br />§6.4.100: FEES. The following fees have been established by the City Council pursuant to various provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Code (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) or the general laws of the State of California. <br />Description Current Fee Reference <br />RECREATION AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT (continued) <br />D. Field / Facility Rentals (continued) <br />Soccer Fees: <br />Muir Soccer Field (games only), Washington Manor Middle School Soccer Field, McCartney Field, Bonaire Field, Halcyon Field, Stenzel Field, Washington Manor Park, Pacific <br />_Recreation Complex Fields <br />_• All fields are available for youth play. SOCCER FEES <br />• Adult Groups /Leagues may only play at Muir Soccer Field (games only) and Pacific Recreation Complex Fields. A B C D E F G <br />_Groups/Leagues serving San Leandro Youth -90 Minute Rate N/A $5 NA ? NA ? NA ? NA ? NA <br />=Youth Groups /Leagues Field Only _90 Minute Rate N/A _ $5 _ $5 $5 $8 $8 $9 <br />Groups /Leagues Field Only €90 Minute Rate N/A $50 $50 - $50 - $75 - $75 - $88 <br />1 lights (additional to field rental) 90 Minute Rate N/A $10 $10 $10 $15 $15 $18 <br />Tournament (per day) Per Day N/A $150 $150 _ $150 _ $225 $225 $26' <br />Tournament (per day) Per Day F N/A $325 $325 $325 $488 $488 $56f <br />tional Fee: Current hourly staff cost if reauired for tournament) <br />1E. Tennis Courts <br />A field or facility may be rented by groups or individuals for the exclusive use upon payment of a specified service fee. Groups wishing to use field facilities for <br />,tournaments, leagues or more than two (2) practices or games must have insurance. Arrangements must be made when reserving the facility. Participants must <br />,comply with any and all regulations as established by the City of San Leandro. <br />-- Individual and League Play $8.00 per hour per court <br />-- Tournament PIav $8.00 per hour per court <br />FOR ALL OTHER RECREATION FEES AND PROGRAMS, SEE THE CURRENT RECREATION PROGRAM GUIDE. <br />G: \FEES\2012 -13 Fees \2013 Adopted Master Fee Schedule 30 6/82012 <br />