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Exhibit D G 1 0-UPA-82 <br /> CERS and previously collected information within the ESS DB. Additionally, the inspector will <br /> ensure that the CERS ID (Identified as field 1a in the Unified Program Data Dictionary (FINAL <br /> DRAFT) (Ver. 3.10)) and the ESS DB identification are the same. At this time it is unclear <br /> which field this will be in CERS, but the ESS DB currently uses a six -digit numeric <br /> identification number that could be used, modified, or an additional ESS DB field could be <br /> created to use the CERS generated identification number. Businesses may take advantage of <br /> basic CERS training that multiple Alameda County CUPAs are planning to implement during <br /> the summer of 2011 at multiple sites throughout Alameda County. <br /> As new businesses become regulated after the CERS requirement date, CERS data will be <br /> used for the creation of the new business record within the ESS DB. The information currently <br /> held within the ESS DB is a small fraction of the data collected within CERS, so creation of a <br /> matching ESS DB will require less than fifteen minutes per facility including setting up an <br /> inspection and billing schedule. New ESS DB record creation will initially be done manually, <br /> but as the ESS DB is done in- house, this will be reexamined after electronic data transfer is <br /> fully online. <br /> 2. Needs Assessment <br /> The ESS recognizes that converting their business -to -CUPA reporting system from paper <br /> hardcopies to electronic will require an assessment of the resources needed to implement the <br /> new information gathering system. There are some critical needs that the agencies must <br /> address in order to efficiently and effectively convert to and manage electronically reported <br /> data through CERS. The needs and the plan to address them are listed below: <br /> A. Business managers that do not regularly use a computer or do not have computer access <br /> will need assistance from the ESS and State resources to report data electronically. They <br /> will be able to take advantage of basic CERS training that is in the early planning stages of <br /> multiple Alameda County CUPAs that is tentatively scheduled for various dates throughout <br /> this summer. They will also have access to the Cal /EPA training and demonstration <br /> Page 3 of 1 . 2 <br />