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Agmt 2012 California Environmental Protection Agency
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2012 California Environmental Protection Agency
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7/20/2012 5:23:32 PM
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5/11/2012 1:28:53 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Agmt 2013 California Environmental Protection Agency
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agreements\2013
Reso 2012-043
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2012
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Exhibit D G10- UPA -82 <br /> E. The ESS inspectors will be upgrading to tablet PCs with CERS connectivity via wireless <br /> internet and Wi -Fi).. Additionally, the tablet PCs will have remote PC access which will <br /> enable them to directly source the ESS DB via the inspectors' personal office PCs along <br /> with access to all forms located on City of San Leandro network drives. As such, <br /> inspectors will have the ability to generate complete inspection reports in the field and <br /> deliver required forms before leaving the site. As these processes will become permanent <br /> changes of operations, fees associated with in -field wireless internet service, remote PC <br /> use, costs associated with wear and tear along with future upgrades of tablet PCs software <br /> will be permanent additional future costs. See (10) below for additional fee increase <br /> proposal. <br /> F. In addition, the DB designer is going to develop several new ESS DB layouts that will . <br /> make it much easier to fill out, save, and send all required inspection reports while at the <br /> business site. The present ESS DB has two inspection databases; the general inspection <br /> database that includes all elements other than storm water, and the storm water inspection <br /> database that was developed by the Alameda County Clean Water Program. The <br /> database will be changed such that all requirements including storm water will be included <br /> in the general inspection database. Additionally the CERS violation tracking fields, <br /> identified in the Unified Program Data Dictionary (FINAL DRAFT) (Ver. 3.10) as fields 905 <br /> through 936 (but not limited to these fields should additional CERS fields be developed), <br /> will be included in the new version of the general inspection database. Lastly, new series <br /> of ESS DB layouts will be crafted using the CERS violation tracking fields that will identify <br /> each violation, program, type of violation, violation classification, violation date, violation <br /> scheduled return to compliance date, violation actual return to compliance qualifier, <br /> comments, UST significant operational compliance status along with citing the violation <br /> code section (statue, regulation, ordinance, and exact citing). To ensure that all require <br /> data is collected and in the correct format, ESS DB layouts (the individual screens or <br /> Page 5of12 <br />
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