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1) tree size, species and location; 2) shrubs and groundcovers; 3) <br />installation specifications, including tree staking; 4) irrigation details; 5) <br />water conservation techniques; and 6) maintenance programs. Final <br />landscape and irrigation plans shall conform to the Water Efficient <br />Landscape Ordinance as codified in Article 19 of the Zoning Code. <br />D. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall submit final plans <br />and details for the perimeter walls, fencing, and site lighting (including <br />submittal of a photometric study) for the review and approval of the <br />Community Development Director. The plans and details shall show <br />location, height, decorative features, and construction details showing <br />materials and finishes to be used for construction. No site lighting may <br />spill offsite. <br />E. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for the property, the <br />improvements outlined above shall be completely installed to the <br />satisfaction of the Community Development Director and the City <br />Engineer. <br />IV. BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES CONDITIONS <br />A. All electrical, gas, and water meters shall be located such that they will not <br />be visible from the street, or these units shall be screened or enclosed. <br />B. Prior to approval of the final building plans for building permits, the <br />Applicant shall submit evidence of compliance with Title 24 of the <br />California Building Code, to the satisfaction of the City Building Official. <br />C. Prior to approval of building permits, the Applicant shall submit evidence <br />of compliance with the California Building Code (CBC) related to the <br />following accessibility requirements: <br />1) Accessible path of travel from nearest public bus stop to the site is <br />required. <br />2) The entire site needs to be accessible. <br />3) Accessible path of travel is required to trash enclosures. <br />4) Common public areas such as parking area must be accessible as per <br />CBC Chapter 11 B. <br />D. The Applicant shall employ, at its sole expense, the engineer responsible <br />for the structural design, or another engineer (as designated by the <br />engineer responsible for the structural design) to perform structural <br />observation in accordance with the California Building Code. Structural <br />observation means the visual observation of the structural system, for <br />general conformance to the approved plans and specifications at <br />significant construction stages and at completion of the structural system. <br />C- <br />